Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Limited

Why Do You Need Health Insurance With High Risk Cover?

  • Published on: 08-02-2022
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Human life is uncertain and there is no option but to be prepared for the worst. In the daily hustle and bustle, we often ignore our health and end up regretting at a later stage. Your life insurance policy will provide financial security to your family in the case when you are not around. However, what will you do if a family member was diagnosed with a high-risk illness? This truth would be hard to accept but you need to be prepared for the same.

Buying a health insurance policy is the first step towards ensuring a healthy life. There are several complex situations, which you could face in your life and health insurance with a high-risk cover will financially protect you if you are diagnosed with an illness.

Factors to Consider for Health Insurance

You need to consider various factors while buying health insurance. Some of these include:

• Pre-Existing Conditions

If you are already suffering from illnesses or diseases like hypertension, high diabetes, or heart-related conditions, you need to keep them in mind while buying medical insurance. If the extent of ailment is high, you will be classified as a high-risk applicant.

• Family History

The medical history of your family will be considered to estimate your risk profile. If heart conditions or cancer is a part of your family’s medical history, your insurance application could be considered high-risk and you might have to pay a higher premium for the same. In this case, you need to be very careful when buying an online health insurance plan.

• Your Lifestyle

It is a well-known fact that smoking and consumption of alcohol can be injurious to health. If you have a habit of smoking regularly or are used to drinking alcohol, you are a high-risk customer for insurance companies.

• Occupation

An insurance company will weigh your risk based on your profession. Any individual engaged in a risky profession will be considered as a high-risk individual. Many professions like adventure sports, mining, aeronautics, and aviation, among others, are considered high-risk.

Health Emergencies That Might Affect You

Considering the aforementioned factors, you need to understand that many health emergencies can affect you. If you already have a pre-existing health condition, the impact of the same could increase in the long term. A health condition like diabetes or a heart problem can lead to a stroke. If you have a family history of a particular illness, the same illness could affect you as you age. Additionally, if you are a regular smoker or drinker, this habit could become difficult to deal with at a later stage in life, as various illnesses could affect your wellbeing. Lastly, if you are a professional, who engages in high-risk activities, you could suffer from health emergencies due to these activities.

It is not necessary that you need to have any one of the above-mentioned conditions to suffer from a health emergency. An emergency can strike anyone and it could put you in deep trouble. You need to be prepared for the worst by investing in a high-risk health cover that is specially designed for medical emergencies. Consider different health insurance plans and make a wise choice.

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