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How to prepare for an interview at ABC

Preparation for an interview takes a lot more than just simple research. Careful and systematic preparation is the ultimate key to success in a job interview. Learn about the company and the job you are applying for before talking to the hiring manager. There are certain things you need to prepare for before the interview. We will talk about steps involved in the preparation of an interview and some valuable tips to increase your chances of success.

1. Research, Research, Research

The first step to prepare for a job interview is research. When you apply for a job, invest time in researching the company. For example, if you are applying for Jobs in Aditya Birla Capital, learn about the business we do, our values, our competitors, and our mission. These are the basic conversations that you would have with your hiring manager apart from your skill evaluation.

2. Anticipate Interview Questions and Prepare for Them

Interview preparation also involves reading through the Job Description in detail to understand the requirements correctly. Hiring managers usually evaluate you based on your skills and the overarching requirements of the job. Hence it is necessary to understand our values, our purpose, and prepare for the questions that could be asked.

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3. Know Your Selling Points

Align yourself with the company and the job well in advance and be ready with your strengths and specializations. Prepare your answers before you get into a discussion with the hiring manager. Be well versed with the skills that you have mentioned in your resume. There is a high possibility that the hiring manager is going to discuss your value system and the soft skills you have mentioned in your resume. Your answer should have examples attached to it, so prepare for the same.

4. Keep Questions for the Interviewer Ready

Ask relevant and specific questions to the interviewer to find out more about your job role, your potential responsibilities, and an overall picture of life at ABC. You should research for right set of questions as a part of pre-interview preparation.

5. Attitude & Body Language

Go into the interview with a positive, open mindset and make sure that your conversation is not one-sided. Dress professionally but comfortably to be sure that you feel confident and are able to focus fully on the conversation.

Few More Tips

Given below are some tips that can increase your chances of success in a job interview
  1. Know your resume thoroughly
  2. Read the Aditya Birla Capital website and know our business
  3. Read up about our values, vision and purpose to understand if you are aligned
  4. Prepare your dress, bag & travel arrangements for the interview beforehand
  5. Reach the destination before time and switch off your phone as soon as you reach the interview venue
  6. Keep your answers crisp, clear and precise. Elaborate when asked to
  7. Be honest and acknowledge if you do not know the answer to any question
Finally, be yourself and bring your strengths to the table. At Aditya Birla Capital, we value integrity, passion, commitment, seamlessness and speed, so come prepared and look forward to an enriching interview experience.


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