
How To Not Get Sick During Winter?

How To Stay Well In Winter Infographic - Activ Living

Avoid Illnesses In Winter

In India, some places can get very cold during Christmas time. The chilly weather, along with all the celebrations like family lunches, Christmas parties, and lots of sweets can cause symptoms of chronic and critical illnesses to show up. Asthma attacks, arthritic pain, and even heart attacks are more common during winter.

A few strategies put in place can help to prevent chronic and critical illnesses from manifesting. When going out in the cold, it is important to wear appropriate clothing to keep the whole body warm. A face mask can prevent the inhalation of chilly air and smog that might lead to an asthmatic reaction. Asthmatics should always keep an inhaler handy in case it is required. Diabetics need to be cautious about their sweet intake during Christmas to prevent a rise in blood sugar levels.

Cancer patients need to be careful to avoid contracting secondary infections by keeping a safe distance from anyone who might have a cold or fever. Maintaining a normal core temperature by using indoor heating and avoiding going out in the extreme cold can help to prevent heart attacks that occur due to arterial constriction that can happen in winter.