Start Living The Right Way- Activ Living

Start Living The Right Way With Unlock 4.0

As you step outside your house and try to adjust to the new normal it’s important to put your well-being first. Follow this checklist to stay healthy and happy during this unlock

Kid waering a mask- Activ Living

1. Push Away Laziness:

To stay active and adjust to your new routine, it is important for you to reverse the damage caused by decreased physical activity. Pick up a morning workout routine. Set aside 30 mins in the morning to go for a walk or run, you can also do yoga or any high-intensity workout. Try walking more throughout the day – take the stairs, walk short distances, etc.

How to not be lazy- Activ Living


2. Don’t binge-watch or binge eat:

When you binge-watch, you also tend to binge-eat, but with the quarantine gradually getting over it’s time to change your habits. Plan your meals and make them with unprocessed ingredients at home. Start your day with a protein-rich breakfast and reduce the number of carbs you eat at night. You can also read some of our blogs on healthy recipes to make at home for inspiration.

Dont binge watch or eat- Activ Living


3. Ensure your mental well-being:

Adjusting to any routine after a break can be stressful. Manage your mental and emotional well-being with mind-calming practices like yoga and meditation. You can even practice meditation during work hours on your desk.

Ensure your mental well-being- Activ Living


4. Take precautions for your health:

Follow the safety guidelines set by the government and private organizations like-

  • Wear a mask whenever you step out and carry a sanitizer at all times.
  • Continue social distancing, even at your workplace.
  • Avoid large gatherings and crowded places.
  • Avoid traveling within the country or abroad.
  • Follow safety measures at malls, saloons, etc. and cooperate with the employees there.
  • Take a bath as soon as you reach home.
  • Encourage house help and people around you to wear masks and follow safety measures.
  • Eat home-cooked meals and snacks.

Precautions to be taken- Activ Living

Follow these measures for living in a healthy way. Visit our Activ Living page for more information on improving your health and also get tips by experts.