New Year Resolution for 2020- Activ Living

10 Ways To Be Mentally Fit In New Year By Dr. Janvi Sutaria

For each of us, 2020 has been a roller coaster and has made us challenge our own beliefs. This year has significantly pushed us out of our comfort zone and has tested our resilience to no extent. This year, like none other, has brought light on the importance of mental fitness and well-being.

Following are 10 Most Important Resolutions to Stay Mentally Fit

New Year Resolution to be Mentally Fit in 2021- Activ Living

  1. Time For Yourself:

    We often get so busy with the hectic schedules that we forget to make time for ourselves. This new year, make a resolution to give yourself time. Talk to yourself for at least 5 minutes every day. Treat yourself like someone you love unconditionally. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Appreciate yourself for every small achievement. Your relationship with yourself is the most important of all. Give it the importance it requires.

  2. Having a Hobby:

    When we are children, we tend to give importance to extracurricular activities, but as we grow older, we get submerged in responsibilities, and forget that ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!’ Having a hobby other than work holds more vitality than we think. It’s highly important for your mental well-being for you to find passion in something (other than work), and to devote at least 2 hours per week to it

  3. Physical Exercise:

    It’s not impossible for physical health and mental health to be mutually exclusive, however, there are scientific grounds to prove that being physically healthy leads to chemical and hormonal balance in our bodies, which in turn can help us be mentally healthy. Choose from the variety of forms of physical exercises that fits your routine the best, and indulge in it at least 3 times a week.

  4. Own Development:

    Focus on your personal development. Make a list of your abilities and flaws, strengths, and weaknesses. Consciously keep working on them every day. This will help you stay in touch with reality, which is extremely critical for mental fitness.

  5. Enjoying every Moment:

    Live in the moment. Always focus on ‘here and now’. Remember the past and plan your future, but don’t live in either of them. Whenever in any situation, take a moment to perceive it with all your senses. This practice will help you enjoy every experience to the fullest.

  6. Importance of Eating:

    What you eat and how you eat determines your mental health to a great extent. Practice mindful eating. Remind yourself, before every meal, of the science behind why eating is necessary.

  7. Addressing Emotions:

    With a hell of a bumpy ride of life, we all experience uncountable emotions. Address each and every emotion you feel. Introspection and name the emotion you are feeling. Speak to someone about it, or write down your feelings. This will reduce the suppression of emotions and will help you feel relieved.

  8. Setting Goals:

    All of us have goals and ambitions in life. It’s crucial to have plans to achieve these. While planning and plotting, if you are conscious of focusing on realistic goals, maintaining low expectations, avoiding extreme measures, and focusing on consistency, it will significantly assist in reducing anxiety and elevating mental health.

  9. Gratitude for Self & Others:

    Keep practicing gratitude towards others as well as yourself. The more gratitude is practiced, the lesser will be the chances of taking life for granted.

  10. Positive Thinking:

    Lastly, it’s essential to understand that human life is made to follow a pattern of highs and lows, achievements, and failures. Being aware of this beautiful pattern, not focusing only on the negatives, and practicing realistic positive thinking, is the key to living a mentally fit life!

Janvi Sutaria

BA in Psychology from Mumbai University; Msc Dip in Clinical and Health Psychology from Newcastle University, United Kingdom