Myths about COVID-19 vaccine- Activ Living

Busting Myths On COVID-19 Vaccination With Dr. Chinmay Patkar

Welcome to the Activ Living Podcast. In this episode, Dr. Chinmay Patkar talks about the COVID-19 vaccinations. Dr. Patkar is a medical doctor with experience in multiple disciplines including onco-surgery, psychiatric medicine, and advanced cardiac emergencies, to name a few. Dr. Patkar is here to explain how the COVID-19 vaccines work, why you should take them, and most importantly, he dispels all myths surrounding the vaccination.

How does vaccination work?

A vaccination introduces an inactive strain of a virus into the body which allows the body to build up an immune response. The vaccine does not cause an infection, but if the body does encounter the virus at some later stage, it is prepared to fight it and prevent a serious infection. Dr. Patkar explains this whole process in more detail while using very simple language for everyone to understand.

Universal vaccination may well be the greatest success story in medical history – Michael Specter

Is the vaccine safe?

Many people are worried about the safety of the vaccination. Dr. Patkar explains very well why the vaccine is safe and how it has been tested. He also explains why all the vaccines are equally safe.

Does the vaccine work?

This is another big question that is on everyone’s mind. Dr. Patkar understands the confusion over efficacy and efficiency and talks about the difference between them. He also explains what it means for a vaccine to be successful. An important myth that was dispelled during this conversation was that the vaccine doesn’t work because vaccinated people were still getting infected. Listen to the podcast to find out what Dr. Patkar has to say about that and why it is a myth.

Tune in now to have a much clearer understanding about what everyone is talking about – the COVID-19 vaccination, what it is, and what it isn’t.