why summer nutrition

Why Summer Nutrition Is Important For Diabetics & High Blood Pressure Patients By Neha Ranglani

The need to prioritize your holistic well-being is of paramount importance given the soaring and record-shattering high temperatures this year. With the #HealthySummerWithActivLiving campaign, we urge you to adhere to a balanced diet, focus on your fitness, and be of sound mind to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Are you a diabetic or a high blood pressure patient? If you are worried about what you should and shouldn’t eat this summer, you have come to the right place. Our Summer Nutrition meal plans will show you how to eat healthy in summer and keep you blood sugar and pressure in check. 

What You Should Know:

Why Summer Nutrition is Important

Indian summers can get extremely hot and cause dehydration, heat stroke and loss of appetite. But if you suffer from a condition like diabetes or hypertension, it can be difficult to know what food is good for health in summer. Diabetics might feel the urge to drink refreshing fruit juices, but many of these juices can be high in sugar. If you have high blood pressure on the other hand you might have a problem balancing your salt intake to prevent dehydration while not increasing your blood pressure. Read along for ideas for a diet plan in summer so that you get the perfect balance of nutrition and calories to continue Activ Living in Summer. #ABHIKaro, stay active even if it’s summer!

Healthy Summer Meal Plans

1. Breakfast:Starting your morning with vegetable juice is the best way to stay hydrated, get a good amount of fibre and receive a nutrition boost. Blend together one floret of raw broccoli, one cucumber, half a green apple/pear, and a few leaves of parsley. Squeeze in half a lemon and your green juice is ready. You can have this with the pulp for a more filling breakfast or strain it and have only the juice.

2. Lunch: Try something different with a cauliflower rice bowl for lunch. Cauliflower is a good rice replacement because it does not contain starch and is high in fibre. It is also a good source of vitamin C and potassium. In the blender, pulse the raw cauliflower till you get small pieces. Place in a clean cloth and press out any extra liquid. Sauté the cauliflower with 2 teaspoons olive oil and a little salt. Cover with lid and let steam for 6-8 minutes. Add a squeeze of lemon and enjoy with your favourite dal, or curry for some healthy eating in summer.

3. Snack:

If you’re feeling like having a snack in the evening why not try a bowl of fruits followed by a bowl of sprouts or makhana chaat with nuts and seeds after 45 minutes. You can also have a bowl of hummus with veggies sticks. These snacks are rich in protein, antioxidants, and fibre and perfect for a summer diet plan.

4. Dinner: If you want to keep your dinner light yet filling, this tomato and chickpea salad is just the thing you need. You will need to soak the chickpeas overnight and then boil till soft. Chop the tomatoes and mix with the chickpeas, top with fresh coriander leaves and feta cheese (optional). Make a dressing with 1 tablespoon each of extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice, a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper. Beat or shake together the dressing ingredients, add to the salad and toss. Tomatoes contain potassium, sodium, vitamins A, C and B6, and fibre, while chickpeas are rich in protein. You even get good fats from the olive oil dressing. 

#ABHIKaro, stay active even if it’s summer with these healthy summer meals. For more ways of Activ Living in Summer check out the Fitness and Lifestyle sections of the Activ Living Blog. 

Neha Ranglani

Neha Ranglani is an Indian integrative nutritionist, dietician, blogger, writer, speaker, and plant-based nutrition coach.