We all know that exercise is good for us; it keeps us fit, helps us to lose weight, and improves our health. But there are also some unexpected benefits to daily exercise, read on to find out more.
What You Should Know:
The Unexpected Benefits of Exercise
The Unexpected Benefits of Exercise
Exercise can be considered as anything that increases your heart rate and causes you to burn more calories. It can also help you build muscle as muscles are directly involved in all physical activity. However, here are some other benefits of exercise that you probably don’t think of:
Improves Brain Function
If you want to improve your focus and your memory, then hit the gym. As surprising as that might sound, studies have shown that exercise improves blood circulation which in turn improves brain function. Everything from creativity, to problem solving and concentration can be enhanced just by getting 40 minutes to an hour of exercise daily.
Makes You Happier
Exercise releases endorphins in the brain which are also known as happy hormones. These chemicals are a powerful mood lifter and the effect has even been known to reduce the symptoms of depression. However, even just getting some physical activity like a brisk walk or run can vastly improve your mood and even make you feel happier. This also makes exercise good therapy for when you are feeling low or in a bad mood.
Slows Down Ageing
New studies are showing that exercise could also slow down the ageing process. We age because over time, our body starts losing the ability to regenerate cells and repair damaged tissue. This leads to us taking longer to heal from injury, being prone to aches and pains, and our skin starting to look wrinkled. However, daily exercise has shown promising results in slowing down this process and helping our cells to keep regenerating for longer.
Helps You Relax
It might seem counterproductive that exercising helps you relax but this is a fact. The human body is built for a certain amount of physical activity each day, this was to help our ancestors survive when they had to hunt and gather food 1000s of years ago. While our brains have evolved, our muscles still need adequate exercise for us to fell less restless and sleep better at night.
Earn Health ReturnsTM
Yes, exercise can be very rewarding in the form of HealthReturnsTM. When you exercise daily and maintain a good level of fitness you can earn up to 100% of your premium back on your Activ Health – Platinum Enhanced health insurance policy as HealthReturnsTM. These returns can be used for expenses like medicines, diagnostic tests, and medical emergencies. #ABHIkaro, Aditya Birla Health Insurance karo.
To learn more about HealthReturnsTM and for more ways to stay healthy you can visit the Lifestyle and Nutrition sections of the Activ Living Blog.Â