Father’s Day _Activ Living Community

Being Healthy As A Working Dad

Being Healthy As A Working Dad_Activ Living Community

Father’s Day is celebrated on June 16th every year. Transitioning to fatherhood is a joyous experience for most men. They are happy to take on those responsibilities because of how happy and fulfilled it makes them feel. However, there are responsibilities that can overwhelm a dad by presenting new challenges that can affect their well-being.

What you need to know:

Fatherhood as a working dad

Mental health concerns are common in fathers, given stress at work and responsibilities at home. Additionally, there is a matter of low physical fitness since there is a decline in physical activity in dads, especially during early fatherhood. However, effective strategies can foster positive mental and physical health in busy, working dads.

Why physical activity is important for working dads?

Fathers are less likely to engage in moderate to vigorous exercising on a weekly basis. They often fail to meet physical guidelines or continue a sport of their choice owing to their hectic schedules. Reduced physical activity can lead to an increase in body mass index, especially among dads with young children. Moreover, compared to mothers, they are more likely to be obese or overweight, increasing their risk of other health concerns. The effects of this are profound as it massively impacts their mental and physical health. Hence, physical activity is of utmost importance for fathers.

Health tips for working dads to stay healthy

Even with a busy schedule, dads can sneak in time for exercise, a proper diet and adequate rest to ensure they stay physically and emotionally fit.


Physical activity has proven to improve your health and make you function optimally. It promotes mental health and minimizes the effects of psychological illness. Since working men are prone to obesity or stiffness, ensure your fathers carry out minimal activity at their workplace. This can mean walking for about 10-15 minutes after lunch and dinner, taking work calls while walking, conducting meetings while standing, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. These can help reduce stress at the workplace and keep them fresh throughout the day. Make time for regular workouts, even if it is for 30-40 minutes a day. Weight training is a good way to keep yourself fit as it improves longevity. Go for a swim, as it works every muscle in the body and improves cardiovascular health. Since there is no rule as to what activity you must choose, engage in something you like and can continue. Your daily schedule may not permit you to exercise in the evening, so make it a morning routine.


The food you eat decides your father’s health, so choose a healthy and sustainable diet. Include nutritious foods instead of fast food at work. Working dads must have a healthy breakfast and homemade food at work instead of eating outside. No matter how busy they get, having their food on time is crucial. Avoid sugary foods and choose healthy carbohydrates. Include protein and fiber-rich food in your diet, and have plenty of fluids.


The only way they can do it all over again tomorrow is by resting. Sleeping is the most important aspect of resting and recovering. Poor sleep can not only make them fatigued but also lead to a host of other physical and mental health problems. Adequate and uninterrupted sleep is a must to stay fit, as there is no other time for recovery. Meditating early in the morning for 10 minutes can also prove to be immensely beneficial.

The father-child factor

A greater incentive for fathers to be physically fit is the effect it has on their children’s health and well-being. Dads are the family’s leaders and are often the ones to engage their children in most physical activity in their leisure time. The risk of obesity in young children is often related to paternal behavior and style and is devoid of maternal influence. Apart from physical health, a child will have much better mental health when a father actively engages in physical activity, fostering a stronger father-child bond, which can greatly optimize a child’s well-being across various domains.

Men may face an emotional upheaval during fatherhood, but effective strategies can help them through this stage. Given the challenges that lie in their paths, maintaining a fit body and mind is essential for optimal functioning and fostering a strong parent-child bond.

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