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Family History And Heart Health: All You Need To Know

Did you know that your family history might be one of the strongest influences on your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, or cancer?

What you need to know:

How does family history influence heart health?

Have you ever wondered about the connection between family history and heart health? A family history of heart disease can increase your risk of developing heart disease in several ways, including:

  • Inherited genes: You may have inherited genes that increase your risk of high blood pressure or cholesterol.
  • Shared environments: You may have inherited certain eating habits or lifestyle behaviors from your family, such as a sedentary lifestyle or preferences for certain types of food.
  • Shared relatives: Blood relatives tend to have many of the same genes and may share some of the same habits, such as poor dietary habits, a sedentary lifestyle, excessive drinking, and smoking.

Recognizing early signs

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Early signs of heart disease include:

  • Chest pain, tightness, pressure, or discomfort
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling in the legs, ankles, or feet
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness, fainting, or near-fainting
  • Pain in the neck, jaw, throat, upper belly, or back
  • Pain, numbness, weakness, or coldness in the legs or arms
  • Fast or uneven heartbeat (palpitations)
  • Some of these signs may come and go for months or years, ensure that you address them timely.

Importance of learning about your family heart health history

Family history and heart health are intertwined. Knowing your family’s heart health history is important because it can help you understand your risk of developing heart and other conditions:

  • Heart disease: If you have a family history of heart disease, you are more likely to develop it yourself.
  • Stroke: Family history is strongly linked to the risk of stroke, which is the fourth leading cause of death in India.
  • Other conditions: Family history can also indicate your risk of developing other conditions, such as diabetes, certain cancers, osteoporosis, depression, asthma, arthritis, dementia, and more.

You can share your family’s heart health history with a healthcare provider to create a more complete picture of your health and develop a personalized screening and monitoring plan.

3 steps to protect your heart health

Regular checkups and screenings

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High blood pressure and high cholesterol can damage the heart and blood vessels. So, get regular screening tests for blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes, which will help you decide whether you have these conditions. If you do, talk with your healthcare team. Your doctor may prescribe medicines and recommend lifestyle changes. Ensure to follow up.

Healthy lifestyle modifications

Make healthy lifestyle modifications:

  • Regular physical activity: It helps control your weight and lowers the chances of other heart conditions. Aim for 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise.
  • Heart-healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet full of vegetables and fruits, beans, whole grains, etc., can help protect the heart.
  • Don’t smoke or use tobacco: Chemicals in tobacco can damage the heart and blood vessels. Cigarette smoke lowers the oxygen in the blood, which raises blood pressure and heart rate.

Managing risk factors

Certain infections may lead to heart problems. For instance, gum disease may be a risk factor for heart and blood vessel diseases. So brush and floss daily. Get regular dental checkups too. Other illnesses caused by infections can make existing heart problems worse. Vaccines can protect against such infectious diseases. So, ask your healthcare professional if you need any vaccines.

While family history plays a major role in determining heart health, it is not the sole predictor of cardiovascular outcomes. Knowing your genetic predisposition can empower you to make informed lifestyle choices. Early detection and proactive management, in collaboration with healthcare professionals, can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, even if it runs in your family. Awareness and healthy habits can help protect your heart and improve your well-being.

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more on nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and lifestyle conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes. Activ Living ke saath sahi sehat ki shuruat ABHI karo.


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