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Strength Training And Osteoporosis: Your Key To Lifelong Bone Health

Strength training is more than just a muscle-building activity. Research shows a strong connection between strength training and osteoporosis prevention, making it a vital part of any bone health regimen.

What you need to know:

The power of strength training in preventing osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a common condition that affects 8% to 62% of Indian women of varied age groups and 8.5% to 24.6% of males older than 50.

While medication and supplements can help, strength training is one of the most effective, natural ways to combat bone loss and maintain strong bones. Not only does strength training improve muscle mass, but it also strengthens your bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Understanding osteoporosis

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Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become brittle due to decreased bone mineral density (BMD). As the bones lose mass, they become more susceptible to fractures, especially in the hips, spine, and wrists.

It is also referred to as a “silent killer or silent disease” because symptoms aren’t usually noticeable until a fracture occurs. While osteoporosis affects both men and women, postmenopausal women are particularly at risk due to hormonal changes that accelerate bone loss.

The role of strength training in bone health

Strength training can play a vital role in maintaining your bone health. When you engage in weight-bearing or resistance exercises, the muscles exert pressure on the bones, creating small amounts of stress. This stress signals the body to respond by sending bone-building cells, called osteoblasts, to the stressed areas. These osteoblasts lay down new bone tissue, increasing bone mass and density over time. Another benefit of strength training is to improve balance and coordination. This reduces the risk of falling, which is one of the reasons for fractures in individuals with osteoporosis.

How can strength training help with osteoporosis?

As we age, our bone molecular density (BMD) decreases. By engaging in strength training, you can slow down the process of bone loss and even promote bone formation. Some resistance band workouts and exercises like squats and lunges help apply pressure on the bones, enabling them to become stronger and adapt to handling more pressure in the future.

Strength training tips for osteoporosis

Given below are some strength training tips you can follow for osteoporosis:

Starting slow and gradually increasing

It is important to note that if you have recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis, start with low-impact strength training or lightweight resistance bands. This will ensure that your body gradually adjusts to new pressures on muscle and bone. Over time, you can increase the intensity of weights or reps. Your consistency will prove beneficial in maintaining long-term bone health.

Proper form and technique

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One of the key components of strength training and osteoporosis prevention is maintaining proper form and technique. If you ignore the form and technique, it can lead to unnecessary strain on the bones and joints and can further cause internal injury. You can also work with a certified trainer who can tailor these exercises based on your bone health needs. For instance, exercising in front of a mirror can help you monitor your posture and alignment. Moreover, keep your spine in a neutral position during exercises. Avoid excessive arching or rounding, which can stress the back and increase injury risk.

Listening to your body

It is important to listen to your body when engaging in strength training. If you feel pain or discomfort, discontinue immediately and reassess your form and intensity. Taking appropriate rest is also essential as it will allow your bones and muscles to recover. Moreover, it will assist in a safer and more effective work routine.

Whether you want to prevent or manage osteoporosis, adding strength training to your fitness regimen is a step in the right direction.


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