Benefits of Yoga- Activ Living

The Health Benefits Of Yoga Asanas: A Comprehensive Guide

As we welcome the new year 2021, let us pledge to focus more on our health. The lockdown and the recent holiday festivities could have possibly caused your health routine to take a backseat. However, your health should always be your priority. To get your new year off to a healthy start, here’s our #21StartsABHI health challenge. 

We will be giving out 21 health habits for you to do every single day for the next 21 days this 2021. All you need to do is upload a video or photo of you doing the habit and share on any social media platform with #21StartsABHI. Stand a chance to win FREE online fitness class subscriptions + Amazon vouchers. Practicing yoga is a great new year’s resolution to start with. 

Yoga has been proven to have a vast number of health benefits including improving muscle strength and flexibility, better quality sleep, sustained focus and concentration, and even better immunity. They say that ‘Practice makes a person perfect’. Similarly, when it comes to Yoga, regular practice can help you reap the benefits of good health in the long run. Instead of spending more time on social media or binge watching your favourite TV shows, you could make a commitment to use that time to improve your health. How? By practicing Yoga every day.

4 Health Benefits you can gain from Yoga

  1. It’s Healthy For Your Heart

If you are one of those people who opt for sweat-centric, hardcore workout to get your heart’s health right, then we have an interesting fact for you! Many studies show that practising Yoga Asanas daily, is as healthy for your heart’s health as cycling or swimming. Practicing Yoga helps in reducing cholesterol, bouts of depression and underlying tension that may add to your heart’s discomfort.

  1. It Builds Your Bone Strength

A lot of research has been conducted between the relation of Yoga and bone strength. Many studies highlight the benefits of practicing this art regularly for healthy, strong bones. While these improvements take a while to become visible, they do tend to last for a lifetime if you are consistent. Practising Yoga for better health is also known to have a positive impact on the treatment of osteoporosis.

  1. It Soothes Your Immune System

Yoga asanas are characterised by bending, twisting and inverting the muscles of your body into varied positions. These positions help release any tension in your muscles, thus improving blood flow and functioning of your organs. Combined with breathing exercises, this results in improving your immunity.

  1. It Energises You

If you wish to start off your day without tensions or a bad mood, then practising Yoga is your best bet. Doing 10 rounds of Surya Namaskar or opting for 3 sets of Pranayama can rejuvenate you. This helps improve your blood circulation, calms your brain, and increases your energy levels throughout the day which greatly helps in managing chronic ailments

While Yoga showers you with all of the above benefits, it also helps you to improve your memory and focus. The various asanas can help balance your brain hemispheres, and thereby, help increase your brainpower. Thus, we can say that even 30mins of Yoga daily can give you wholesome health for the rest of the day. Surf through all our blog topics on lifestyle and health to know more way to keep yourself active and healthy in the long run.