How To Take Care Of Hair During Summer- By Gia Kashyap

The need to prioritize your holistic well-being is of paramount importance given the soaring and record-shattering high temperatures this year. With the #HealthySummerWithActivLiving campaign, we urge you to adhere to a balanced diet, focus on your fitness, and be of sound mind to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In the summer season, your hair faces a lot of challenges, especially for those living in tropical countries. Weather and climatic changes are not under our control, but what is in our control is to take maximum care of our hair.

Here’s what you need to know:

Hair care tips during summer

Hair care during summer is tricky, but all you require is patience and some natural ingredients right from your kitchen. Gia Kashyap, the Summer Lifestyle Expert for Activ Living in Summer, is a blogger who writes on healthy lifestyles skincare and hair care tips. She is here to help you take care of your hair and scalp for the hot summer months. 

Gia has recommended certain homemade hair masks and solutions which are extremely beneficial for your hair. Take a look:

  • Lemon and curd for dandruff: Curd has antibacterial properties and lemons are rich in citric acid which cleanses your scalp. This combination makes for a great hair mask to reduce dandruff and prevent hair fall. Take 3 tablespoons of curd and squeeze half a lemon in it. Combine the two to form a homemade hair mask. Let it remain until 30 minutes till your hair becomes stiff. Rinse it off with a mild shampoo.                                     
  • Ghee, also known as clarified butter, when applied to your hair roots or the ends of your hair, acts as a conditioner. It seals some moisture into your scalp. Fatty acids found in ghee nourish the scalp and hair follicles from within. After applying, keep it for a while and then rinse it with a shampoo.

  • Green juices have become very popular for good reason. Use 1 cup of spinach, 1 small medium-sized apple, ½ of a medium cucumber, and 1 tablespoon of honey – components rich in vitamin A, B and D – to make a healthy juice. A glass of these elements combined is nutritious as it increases blood circulation to your scalp, leading to healthy roots and hair growth. 

  • Wear a scarf: Constant exposure to the sun and its ultraviolet rays damage the hair cuticles and make your hair dry and brittle. Wear a scarf during summers to protect your hair. You can also use an umbrella to cover your hair from other external factors like dust and pollution. 

How to encourage hair growth?

For healthy and silky hair, follow these hair care tips during summer to motivate hair growth:

  • Trim your hair every six to eight weeks to get rid of rough split ends.
  • Choose a shampoo that does not have sulphate and use a conditioner to moisturise your hair.
  • Reduce the usage of heat styling equipment and chemicals.
  • Dry your hair gently, without vigorously rubbing or tugging at the strands.
  • Eat the right kind of food. Iron-rich food such as fish, soybean, and vegetables like spinach, protects hair follicles. Protein-rich foods with Omega-3 like milk, lentils, peas and chia seeds, can make hair strong. 
  • Drink plenty of water to get healthy hair. 

Care for your hair before it is too late. #ABHIKaro. Follow this space for more updates on summer-related nutrition and fitness information, available on the Activ Living Blog. 

Gia Kashyap

Gia Kashyap is a  blogger who writes about healthy lifestyles, self-care tips. She is here to provide some practical advice on how to take care of your skin during the hot summer months.