Family Time

Fun and Healthy: Family Exercise Ideas for Active Bonding

Family Time

Summer brings with it lots of opportunities for family bonding. Health and fitness are a perfect way to mesh family-time with overall happiness, health, and wellbeing. The activities we’re recommending are sure to bring your family unit closer together over the warm summer months while keeping each of you healthy and fit.

1. वॉकिंग

Walking is a great form of exercise that nearly every family member, from the most elderly great-grandparent to the youngest toddler, can participate in. Even infants can join in via a parent or sibling carrying them along or pushing him or her in a baby stroller or pram. This gives them some time outdoors and will make it a great experience for the entire family.

A group walk is an excellent way to discuss what is going on in everyone’s day-to-day lives. Older members can share stories about their youth and discuss current events with their children and the next generation can talk about all other activities with the younger ones. It creates a great space to just spend some time with everyone without the distraction of a TV screen. This kind of activity also promotes a general sense of well-being within a family unit and set’s a good example for the future generations.

2 Volunteering

Why not adopt a street and keep it neat and tidy as a family. Bending down and standing back up picking up garbage is great exercise. You could even collect and recycle cans, plastic and glass bottles found and allow the children to keep the money for their efforts. The street will look so nice and tidy and you all could just become an inspiration for your neighbors to join in giving your whole community a probable facelift.

If you do not want to clean, you could take your family to the local animal shelter. You could select abandoned dogs that are in need of walking for their exercise. You might just find a family pet in the process. If nothing else, you are teaching your children to be kind to all creatures and also exercising at the same time. There are plenty of great causes families can volunteer for, irrespective of what part of the country you’re in. Even cooking meals for the less fortunate in your community is another great way to get the entire family involved.

3. खुले में होने वाले खेलकूद

You are never too young or too old to enjoy a sport, especially a game of cricket. You just need to grab your bat, a ball and make your way to the park or the beach and have an energized day out as a family. It’s easy to find cricket enthusiasts among the families in your immediate community as well, that should not be too hard seeing as everyone loves the game. Make sure whatever sports you undertake, you have fun and not get too competitive. It’s also important to model good sportsmanship for your children to see. You’ll teach them how to have fun, get fit, and learn a lot about honour and integrity in the process.


4 Scavenger, treasure hunts

While your children are occupied, designate an adult to go and hide tiny trinkets such as individual pieces of candy or small toys in the nearby vicinity, your garden or around your building. After all the trinkets are hidden, give the children age-appropriate clues for where they can find these treasures. You can even go ahead and draw a map for younger children who are not of reading age yet. Your exercise will kick in while supervising them i.e. trying to keep up with their pace.

There’s no need to over exert yourself, but with kids, it’s important to just monitor them. So pace yourself and follow them around on their little adventures. Family members can switch places each time to go out and either hide or hunt with the kids. Both options give you the opportunity to get out of the house and be active.

5 Picnicking

It’s not about taking a holiday, although holidays can always be fun, exploring all the sights; just a short drive to neighboring nature parks, the hills, or even a day at the beach can be a great source of exercise and fun for all. Pick a landscape that won’t be too difficult for the older members of your family and is safe for the younger members. India is a gorgeous country with plenty of options for all. Take badminton racquets a football to the beach to have a little picnic or go camping under the trees in a nearby forest or nature reserve. A brisk walk in the fresh, open air can be stimulating for the entire system and great for the muscles.


Summers in India can also get quite brutal so make sure you have plenty of water with you during all of your activities. Also, make sure you carry sunscreen. It’s important to stay hydrated above all else, but all things said and done, summer is a great time for the whole family to get together and participate in some good old-fashioned fun!