
Nutritious And Delicious: Healthy Snacks For Kids They’ll Love

One of the most important things you can do for your children is to ensure they have a balanced, healthy and nutritious diet. Studies have shown that there is a direct link between brain development and academic performance in relation to health, and clean eating habits among school children.

It’s not the easiest of tasks these days, to be vigilant for children’s consumption of unhealthy foods with fast foods and sugar-rich options all over the place. But we owe it to our kids to try and limit their consumption of these unhealthy items as best we can. Home cooking, where ingredients can be controlled, is the best source of nutrition for our children. And with that in mind, here are 5 simple and easy to make snacks for your children to keep them energised and healthy.

1 Almond Granola Bars

Almonds give this recipe healthy fats and the granola gives it a delicious crunchy texture. Keep these snacks handy to give it to your children in place of candy bars and other less healthy alternatives. They’re full of energy and vital nutrients for growing children.


2 Ragi Cookies

Cookies made with ragi flour can give your child a healthy dose of calcium. Coupled with a glass of milk to dunk the cookies into, will give your child a double dose of this essential nutrient. This snack is great in the evenings or even for breakfast with a plate of fruit.

3 Whole Wheat Crackers

Healthy whole grains will give your child some complex carbs. The brain needs carbs to function at its highest level. You can make whole wheat crackers by skimping on overly processed white flour and replacing it with whole wheat flour. Toss in some flax seeds and steel-cut oats for added flavour and health benefits.

4 Steamed Dhokla

This famous Gujarati snack is a favourite in quite a few places throughout the country. Serve some steamed dhokla to your children along with some homemade mango or tomato chutneys. Let them dip the steamed dhokla squares into these mixes for a healthy and nutrient-rich pairing.


5 Oat Idlis

Oat idlis are perfect for concealing other nutrition-conscious foods like vegetables. Packed with dietary fibre and minerals for your child’s health, here’s an interesting way to serve oats other than in cereal.


These 5 simple snacks can make a huge difference to your child’s growth and overall health. They’re easy to make and work well as snacks to replace unhealthy junk foods.