Craving Sweets_Activ Living Community

Tips To Help You Balance Your Craving For Sweets And Snacks

Finally! It’s Diwali, the festival of lights. The festivities have already started, and you have let your guard down by happily munching on Diwali sweets and savories. While your cravings are satisfied, it’s a different story for your body. The calories can get piled up with almost little exercise. 

The usual source of high-calorie foods is the sweets and snacks you eat. Laden with sugar and घी they can be a recipe for disaster. So the question here is, how do you control the craving and keep away from these extra calories?

इनके बारे में जानें:

Importance of mindful eating, both for enjoying sweets and snacks in moderation and for avoiding overindulgence

How To Control Sweet Cravings_Activ Living Community

It’s normal to experience sugar cravings on a regular basis. Most health experts believe that this is why most people cannot stick to a healthy diet. Our brains crave rewards according to the reward system that we have ingrained in ourselves. This results in cyclic cravings for sweets. Therefore, if a small taste triggers binge eating and overindulgence, especially with sugary foods, it’s best to resist giving in to the cravings.  

Importance of planning ahead to avoid impulsive snacking or indulging in sweets

Reasons For Craving Sweets_Activ Living Community

While it’s a time for celebration, it’s also crucial to maintain a balance to ensure that the festivities don’t derail your health. Planning ahead is key to avoiding impulsive snacking and excessive indulgence. You can drink plenty of water throughout the celebrations. Staying hydrated can help control your appetite and prevent overeating. In addition, you can also make your own snacks and bring them to Diwali gatherings. This will make sure that you have healthier options to turn to when faced with temptation.              

Tips for a healthy Diwali:

  • Drink up: Drink at least 2-3 liters of water regularly. Dehydration can make you crave sweets as the body may confuse thirst for hunger. This also indicates avoiding carbonated beverages such as sodas and other soft drinks.
  • Load up on protein: Try to opt for sweets made from lentils, chickpeas, or dairy products, as these may have a higher protein content compared to other sweets. Protein keeps your metabolism elevated and also makes you feel fuller. If possible, opt for homemade snacks and sweets. These are often less processed, and you can control the ingredients to make them healthier during Diwali.
  • Choose sweets wisely: If you must eat Diwali sweets, then make sure you don’t overindulge. Stick to one or two sweets; also, pick sweets that are less sugar-laden. For example, choose sugar-free sandesh instead of gulab jamuns, as gulab jamuns feature a much higher sugar content. 
  • Choose nuts: Nuts such as cashews and almonds contain heart-healthy fats that are good for you. Keep the portion sizes small as they are high-calorie food, and eat them regularly as they promote satiety. This means your chances of gorging on sweets and fried Diwali snacks are considerably reduced.
  • रोज़ एक्सरसाइज़ करें: During the exciting Diwali preparations, it’s easy to forget about your fitness goals. Consider balancing festive indulgences with casual running, swimming, or watching a football game, maintaining a heart rate in the fat-burning zone for 30-40 minutes. This ensures you stay active even during the festive season, making sure that you burn those extra calories. 

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