Diet Plan For Busy Office Workers

Office Diet For Busy Workers

Diet For Office Workers - Activ Together


Following a 9 to 5 schedule with no breaks and sticking to an unhealthy diet can have a disastrous effect on your health. It is advised by experts that you should take breaks in between and follow a nutritious diet regime to stay fit and healthy.

A nutritious diet with a sufficient amount of rest can rejuvenate your body and mind to take up tasks with renewed energy.

Few Diet Tips For Office Goers

1 Drink Sufficient Water

Water is an essential element required by the body to control temperature, digest food and regulate blood circulation. One should drink three to four liters of water every day to allow the body to maintain high energy levels and to keep the functioning of the digestive system smooth. Water also keeps the body tissues moist.

2 Don’t Skip Breakfast

A healthy breakfast in the morning, consisting of eggs, milk, and dry fruits, is a good practice. You could include food items high in complex carbohydrates like cereals, vegetables, and fruits. Ground flax, chia, soy, and Greek yogurt can provide you with essential amounts of protein.

It is important that you should include high-fiber food too, like whole grain cereals, bread, and leafy vegetables. Carbohydrates are the major energy providers to the body and proteins help in the wear and tear of the body cells.

3 Eat Lots Of Fruits

Including fruits in your diet plan has immense health benefits. Fruits are naturally low in cholesterol and contain a lot of fiber and essential nutrients such as folate (folic acid), vitamin C, and potassium.

Fibers (soluble and insoluble) lower cholesterol levels in the body, ease bowel movement and prevent the occurrence of diseases such as bowel cancer, and reduces the intensity of heart complications.

4 Do Not Postpone Dinner

Do not eat heavy food items post 8 PM as it can put a lot of stress on your digestive system. As far as possible space out your meal timings and eat at a fixed time. Avoid having dinner post 8 PM as this can cause insomnia, due to indigestion and heartburn.

5 Avoid Overeating

Excess eating leads to weight gain, obesity, heart disease, and टाइप 2 डायबिटीज, and can cause depression and other mood problems. Excess fat consumption can lead to increased cholesterol levels and blocked arteries, putting pressure on the heart.

The above tips can go a long way in guaranteeing healthy physical and mental makeup. You will be in a position to function better personally and at the workplace.