4 Health Tips For Children

4 Health Tips For Children

Health Tips For Children - Activ TogetherParents are constantly looking out for their children’s health and well-being and for ways to boost their immunity. Food with the right habits plays a major role in keeping them healthy.

Here is a quick guide to help you in this journey

Teach Them The Importance Of Washing Hands:

An unwashed human hand is covered with germs and infections. When a child uses unclean hands to rub his eyes, nose, or to eat, it deposits germs which get absorbed into the body. Washing hands is the simplest and most effective to keep away flu and infections. Teach them to wash their hands after using the washroom, playing, and before eating any food.

Watch What Your Children Eat:

As your child’s body is growing, it requires the right balance of Vitamin A, C, and D, iron, calcium, and omega-3 Asking them to avoid crispy wafers and aerated drinks won’t help. Instead stack your house with the healthy alternative of chips, biscuits and more. Offer these healthy alternatives and keep track of their diet.

Encourage Play Time:

Physical activity has immense benefits for the growth and development of children. Lack of physical activity can cause obesity and illness. Encourage playtime by introducing children to various outdoor games like riding a bicycle, swimming, badminton and other sports. Also, don’t just encourage them, but also play an active role by participating with them as they get healthier.

Reduce Their Screen Time:

Tablets and smartphones have reduced the physical movements of children. Reduce the screen time to a minimum of two hours a day. Let them watch their favourite TV series, videos and more during this time. Also, ensure they get adequate sleep to stay energized and in best of health the next day.

In the end, as parents are a role models for their children, it’s important that they have a positive attitude by eating right, sleeping on time and staying active.