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5 Precautions For Cancer By Changing Lifestyle

Different Ways to Prevent Cancer - Activ TogetherDid you know that by adopting certain lifestyle changes, you could prevent the risk of cancer? Many studies have shown the link between certain lifestyle behaviors and cancer. Now the important question – how do you start? Begin by taking charge of your health and gradually include certain changes that will help you reduce the risk of getting breast cancer, cervical cancer, or oral cancer which are the most common types of cancer in India.

कैंसर क्या है?

Cancer is a critical ailment that can develop in any body part. Here, the abnormal cells grow uncontrollably in a particular area and spread to other body parts. The human body consists of trillions of cells. When the old cells die or get damaged, they are replaced by new cells. However, in cancer, the old cells do not die, and new cells form when not required. The extra cells form tumors that can invade surrounding tissues. Over time, cancer cells can transfer through the lymph system or blood to a body part that is far away from the tumor’s original spot and develop new tumors.

कारण Of Cancer

Genomic instability and damage to the DNA are the major factors that cause cancer. Other risk factors include lifestyle habits like smoking, consuming tobacco, and alcoholism.

Here is a list of tips that you could follow:

Preventive Measures of Cancer:

  • Tip 1: Check your weight

    You need to take care of your body weight. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you must starve yourself or be underweight. The idea is to maintain an appropriate Body weight keeping in mind your height, diet, and your lifestyle. Ensure that your diet meets your bodily requirements.

  • Tip 2: Exercise Regularly

    Exercising not only helps you lose weight but also keeps your muscles and body healthy. Being in great shape is of utmost importance so that your immunity system is in good condition and you don’t fall sick often. Regular exercises improve your stamina and help you control your food intake. A simple exercise like a 30-minute walk/run on a daily basis is also enough to keep you in shape. Exercising is one of the best lifestyle choices to avoid cancer.

  • Tip 3: Cut Down on Junk Food

    Junk food is made of processed ingredients and may contain high calories that can hamper your health. Junk food also contributes to unhealthy weight gain. Fast food has high preservative content that can cause certain side effects like headaches and allergies. You also need to avoid sugary drinks that increase your calorie count. Many studies suggest that consumption of fast food could lead to different forms of cancer. Therefore, it’s ideal to stay away from them.

  • Tip 4: Eat Nutritious Food

    Eating healthy is a way of life these days. One can’t put enough emphasis on how important it is to eat nutrient-rich food. Go ahead and add vegetables, whole grains, pulses, and beans to your daily diet. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins required for a healthy body. Include dairy products and food with high protein content like chicken and fish into your diet. Meanwhile, avoid eating too much beef, pork, and lamb as recent studies have shown that these meats can cause colon cancer.

  • Tip 5: Limit Alcohol Consumption

    While many research studies state that certain alcoholic beverages like beer and wine have a few health benefits, consuming them on a daily basis can have negative effects on your health. Ideally, you need to limit your alcohol consumption to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Diet Changes To Reduce The Risk Of कैंसर

You can lower the risk of cancer by consuming nutrient-rich foods like fruits, whole, grains, and vegetables. Here are some foods that can reduce the occurrence of this disease:

  • ब्रोकोली and Berries

These food products are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals. Additionally, they are low in fat. Phytochemicals can decrease the chances of mutations and cell damage that can result in cancer.

  • टमाटर

It can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Tomato contains lycopene, a phytochemical that boosts a person’s immune system and prevents cell damage. Besides this, lycopene can stop the abnormal growth of cells that cause tumors.

Lifestyle Changes For Cancer

The risk of cancer is low in a person who maintains a good exercise regime. You can lower the probability of cancer of the esophagus, lung, bladder breast, rectum, and colon by exercising regularly. Exercises like cycling, jogging, and running can boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.


कर सकती हैं Most Cancers Be Prevented?

Cancer prevention tips include maintaining a healthy diet and following an exercise regime. Besides this, avoiding the consumption of tobacco and alcohol and refraining from smoking may prevent the development of cancer.

जो Foods Prevent Cancer?

Fruits and vegetables like broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, and berries are some foods that can minimize the possibility of cancer.

कैसे ARE Cancers Caused?

Cancer is caused when abnormal cells in the body begin to divide uncontrollably and spread in surrounding tissues.

क्या ARE Genetic Cancers?

Cancer is not hereditary. However, a person can inherit the genetic defect that can result in this illness. Although the risk of developing cancer is high, not all family members should have inherited genetic defects.

कैसे Can YPrevent Cancer Early?

You can prevent cancer if you have maintained a nutritious diet and been particular about exercising. Besides this, avoid these lifestyle choices to prevent cancer:

  • तंबाकू
  • शराब की लत
  • धूम्रपान
  • Unhealthy food

Another preventive measure for cancer is to undergo screening tests at regular intervals to detect its onset.

Lifestyle changes can’t be adapted overnight. However, you are never too late to start living a healthy life. Another important tip is to be aware of your family health history. Make sure that you get regular medical check-ups done. Remember, you could always consult your doctor for more information.

You can visit our other articles on health and fitness and learn ways to protect yourself from cancer.

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