
Facts & Insights About Hypertension In India

High Blood Pressure Facts in India(Info-graphics)-Activ Together
High Blood Pressure Facts in India(Info-graphics)

There’s no doubt that the prevalence of high blood pressure or hypertension in India is common.

What is Hypertension or High Blood Pressure?

Hypertension is a situation where blood pressure, or the force at which your blood is pushing against the walls of blood vessels, is consistently high. Hypertension, when not managed, can lead to serious health issues, especially cardiovascular problems. While many people get diagnosed with hypertension, they get lost in the care process.

Facts About Hypertension or High Blood Pressure in India

In a study conducted, where 731,864 individuals, aged 15-49 years were surveyed hypertension prevalence was 18.1% Out of which 76.1% had ever got their BP measured, only 44.7% were aware of their diagnosis, only 13.3% were treated and a minimal 7.9% had achieved control over the condition. Moreover, men showed a higher prevalence of hypertension as compared to women. And, losses to care occurred during the awareness and treatment stage. With these shocking numbers coming to the forefront, it is time we pay attention to the issue, manage it, and reduce the risk of resulting problems.

Know more about ways to हाई ब्लड प्रेशर को कंट्रोल करें & precautionary measure that can be taken to prevent it in the first place.

Fitness and nutrition blogs like this one educate you on everything you need to know on how to lead a better life. You can browse more articles like things you need to know about BP and Ayurveda for high BP.

Source: PLOS Medicine