
Top 6 Healthy Foods For The Rainy Season

Healthy Monsoon Snacks Diet-Activ Together
मानसून के लिए हेल्दी स्नैक्स डाइट

It’s that time of the year when a green carpet is spread across the land thanks to the rain, a relief from the summer sun. You relish food items that help you keep yourself warm and enjoy the cozy weather. But monsoon is also the season that brings along with it a high amount of humidity, which affects the functioning of our digestive system. Also, the unhygienic conditions that prevail during this season trigger our immunity system. To shield yourself from the probable consequences of the rainy season, it is essential that you tick a few safety boxes. Having your health insurance plans in place, an eye on your diet, and a first aid kit, especially for the rainy season, are a few of the ways in which you can take care of your health.

मानसून के लिए हेल्दी डाइट की व्यवस्था:

पानी की कमी न होने दें

To stay immune to the infections that could spread around during the rainy season, consume a sufficient amount of water. Water aids in boosting your immunity as they negate the building of toxins in your body. Make sure you boil your water before drinking and try to replace cups of tea and coffee with healthier drinks and fruit juices. Drink buttermilk to keep your digestion in check.

मौसमी फल और सब्जियां

Maintain good energy levels throughout the day with seasonal fruits such as apples, pears, or pomegranates. Cucumber slices will help you with the iron and phosphorous content needed for your body. Keep a safe distance from infections by including bitter gourd and fenugreek in your diet. Also, practice good food handling practices like washing your hands and vegetables properly before cooking.

लहसुन और हल्दी: सेवन से बेहतर होते हैं स्वास्थ्य

Taking good care of your immunity and metabolism, garlic does a great job for your body. Simply adding it to soups or your usual curries makes a difference. And as turmeric is a natural antibiotic agent, you can protect yourself from primary monsoon illnesses like colds and coughs by drinking turmeric-infused milk.

कम सोडियम वाली डाइट

Keep a note of your daily salt intake as it retains the water in your body as well as contributes to blood pressure. This becomes of prime importance to people already suffering from heart problems. A low-sodium diet directly translates to avoiding junk food, salty chips, salted butter, cheese, pickles, packaged meals, etc. Instead have fresh and frozen vegetables, baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, unsalted nuts, plain yogurt, and similar natural sources of low sodium.

हल्का भोजन करें

Considering that the human digestive system is weak during monsoon, the consumption of easily digestible food is recommended. Fruits, vegetables, properly washed green leafy vegetables, pulses, and rice are good options for the same. Usage of olive oil, ghee, or sunflower oil can prove beneficial for the maintenance of your digestive system.

ड्राई फूड्स

Enjoy the rains with corn popularly known as makka (or corn) and similar dry foods such as chickpeas or oats. This helps to avoid swelling or bloating of the body otherwise caused due to watery food items like watermelon, muskmelon, rice, or lassi.

Monsoon is here with its pros and cons. To enjoy this season without affecting your health, watch out for your daily diet. As a precautionary measure, try to avoid eating from unhygienic places. To add an extra layer of protection for your family, opt for Health Insurance Plans Online and stay secure. Put these steps into action and experience rain in all its glory!