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Yoga Asanas For Blood Sugar Control - Activ Together

India is growing economically as is seen in the form of higher incomes and better living standards. But on the flip side, several lifestyle diseases make frequent appearances, thanks to the sedentary way of living and unhealthy eating habits. Apart from blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases, one such issue that’s highly prevalent in India is diabetes.

The nation is witnessing a growing challenge as it shares 49% of the world’s diabetes burden. As per a report by the International Diabetes Federation, 8.8% of the total adult population in the country is suffering from diabetes. These figures are continuously rising and are expected to double by 2025!

Although medication and changes in diet help deal with diabetes, exercising for good mental and physical health is critical. Yoga has long been in the spotlight for showering various benefits. And, it could be the solution to the alarming statistics mentioned above.

Yoga to Your Rescue!

Yoga, an ancient form of exercise that originated thousands of years ago helps you harmonize your mind, body, and emotions. As you breathe in and breathe out of a posture, it benefits every organ and your overall health with every step. Research has shown a positive link between yoga and diabetes. So, how does it help one cope with diabetes? Before delving into that, let’s understand the factors contributing to diabetes.

Stress and anxiety, which results in blood pressure and heart problems, are major factors contributing to diabetes. Apart from that, the lack of physical activity and obesity can put you at risk for diabetes.

Yoga, a series of mental, physical, and spiritual disciplines, has been known to alleviate these factors and could be a promising option to manage diabetes.

3 Ways Yoga Can Help You Keep a Check on Diabetes:

Relieves You of Stress

As people spend more and more time indoors in front of screens, disconnected from nature, and deprived of social interactions, it takes a toll on mental health. Thus, resulting in stress, anxiety, and health issues like diabetes and cholesterol can be controlled by Yoga. Yoga provides you with a chance to look within and rid your mind of chaos. Postures like Shavasana and Balasana help de-stress, thus, allowing you to keep control over your blood sugar levels.

Secretes Insulin, Lowers Blood Sugar

Yoga is known to improve blood flow, enhance flexibility, and stimulate organs to function effectively. Certain yoga asanas massages pancreas and stimulates the production of insulin-producing beta cells. Furthermore, as you stretch into different postures, glucose levels in your body get used by muscles. Thus, helping you lower blood sugar levels.

Promotes Weight Loss

Yoga is proven to not only reduce but also help maintain a healthy weight. Unhealthy eating habits can lead to obesity, which in turn, results in diabetes. Practising yoga also includes some mudras apart from asanas. Prithvi Mudra is known to help maintain weight. Apart from that, Surya Namaskar and various other asanas can help shed वज़न and manage diabetes with Yoga.

महत्व Of Yoga In Today’s Time

In today’s stressful time, yoga is one practice that can help your body, mind and soul. Yoga helps you discipline your mental and physical state, improving your overall well-being. It helps you get control over anxiety and stress while strengthening your core. If you have diabetes, yoga asanas for sugar control can benefit you greatly.

क्या Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a type of metabolic disease that results in high blood sugar levels. A hormone called insulin in your body is responsible for carrying sugar to the cells from the blood. If you develop diabetes, the body becomes incapable of utilizing the insulin present or creating enough of it.

कारण of Diabetes

There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2 The cause of Type 1 diabetes is not clearly known. It results in your immune system destroying the beta cells in your pancreas that produces insulin. It is possibly caused by a type of virus or due to genes.

Type 2 diabetes is a result of unhealthy lifestyle choices and genetics. Obesity is identified as one of the prominent reasons behind this form of diabetes.


लिस्ट of Yoga Poses and How Tप्रिय कस्टमर Help Lower Blood Sugar

You can practice yoga to control blood sugar successfully. Here are five poses that can help you:

  1. Reclining Bound Angle Pose

This pose helps in calming down the nervous system. Practising this pose leads to reduced stress that results in controlling blood sugar levels.

  1. Legs-up-the-wall Pose

This yoga for diabetes control pose can successfully reduce stress levels, which can be effective in lowering your high blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

  1. समर्थित Shoulder-stand

This yoga pose offers many benefits. It stimulates your thyroid gland, improves blood circulation, and calms down your mind. It also relieves stress, which helps control blood sugar levels.

  1. Seated Forward Bसमाप्त

It is one of the asanas for sugar control that is extremely therapeutic. The yoga pose helps reduce weight and anxiety, both of which lead to high blood sugar levels.

  1. Upward-facing Dog

Practising this yoga pose regularly will help manage your weight, improve blood circulation and reduce your blood sugar levels and blood pressure.



Can Diabetes पाएं Cured By Yoga?

Yoga may not be able to cure diabetes entirely, but regular practices can keep the levels under control.

क्या Is Tवह Best Exercise To Control Diabetes?

Other than yoga for sugar control, you can try out some other exercises to manage diabetes. These include walking, swimming, cycling, weightlifting, aerobics, pilates, and more.

डज़ Surya Namaskar Help  In Diabetes?

Surya namaskar is one of the most helpful asanas for diabetes control as it improves blood circulation.

कर सकती हैं YControl Diabetes Naturally?

You can control diabetes naturally with a healthy diet, yoga practice, and exercise.

Learn more on fitness from our health blog section and coordinate your mind, body, and breath to manage diabetes and lead a healthy life! With yoga sessions daily, you can stay active and earn HealthReturnsTM. HealthReturns can be used for getting discounts like 30% off on your next health insurance premium.