
Get The Ultimate Health Insurance Guide For Women. Discover The Best Coverage Options, Tips, And Resources To Protect Your Health And Well-Being

A Woman's Guide To Health Insurance - Activ Together

India as a country has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few decades in terms of infrastructure, economy and political recognition. At the heart of this development are our country’s men and women. In terms of the numbers, about 49% of women in India make up the population eligible for voting. Additionally, about 25% of the entire workforce in India is constituted of women.

Women of all ages play an important role in shaping our country’s future. However, often these women, who are involved in ensuring the well-being of everyone around them forget about their own health. This is reflected quite well in the National Family Health Survey by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in 2018 According to the survey, only 20% of women in the age of 15-49 have health insurance.

At different stages of life, a woman has different health requirements some of which are – pregnancy, diabetes, menopause, hypertension, mental illness, and so on. Thus, in such situations, Health Insurance becomes an important part of life for women across all age groups.

It is possible that some women believe that buying health insurance is complicated. But that doesn’t have to be the case, with the right information, women can actively make decisions regarding their own health. So, if you or any woman in your life would like to opt for health insurance,

Here Are A Few Pointers To Keep In Mind

  1. The ‘Why’ Of It

    Health Insurance cover is meant to protect your health in case of an emergency. This helps you tide over without experiencing any financial hardship as you can claim your policy to pay for hospital bills. It’s like regularly putting your change from the vegetable seller in a glass jar, and then when you need to buy a new pressure cooker, you have enough money. When deciding a policy, also look at the ailments and health concerns that will be covered in it for your benefit.

  1. Understand Your ‘Network’

    With every health insurance plan, there comes a network of providers. These providers are hospitals, imaging centres, doctors, pharmacies and labs which have partnered with the health insurance company. Based on this partnership, patients can avail of cashless facilities where all bill are settled between the hospital and insurance company. It’s a bit like having a store gift voucher that you can redeem at any of the franchise outlets.

  1. Your Health Insurance Truly Cares For You

    Several Health Insurance plans offer many free services for individuals. These free services range from health applications, discount codes, gym memberships, spa vouchers and a chance to win sporting goods. This facility helps you enjoy the process of getting healthy while getting health coverage. Imagine getting loyalty points but for your health.

  1. Your Health Insurance Doesn’t Just Cover You

    Did you know that if you are a parent, your child will be covered entirely in your health insurance plan until they turn 26? Several health insurance plans provide this attractive benefit which becomes an advantage of enrolling into such a plan. If you are a mother, then you know how nothing but the best care will do for your precious child; health insurance makes premium healthcare more affordable.

The above are just a few of the many ways, health insurance can benefit the whole family.