Keto_Activ Living Community

Keto Diet: Definition And Benefits

Out of the many weight management tactics, following a healthy diet shows the maximum results along with working out.

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What is a keto diet?

Keto Diet Plan_Activ Living Community

A ketogenic or keto diet is one of the popular diets today. It is based on keeping the fat portion of your diet at 70% at least. Normally, your body converts carbohydrates (carbs) into glucose, which provides energy to the body. In a keto diet, the body does not get carbs and starts converting fats to ketones. This diet puts the body into a fat-burning mode called ketosis.   

Keto diet benefits

Keto diet presents itself as a structured path to health and vitality. It’s a disciplined approach, but the results are truly worth it. Among many reported keto diet benefits are improved mental clarity and steady energy levels throughout the day. So, no more mid-afternoon slumps and energy crashes! In a typical keto diet, you reach a state of ketosis wherein your body burns stored fat for energy, enabling you to manage your weight. The keto diet may help people with the following conditions:


Managing weight can help reduce cholesterol and keep the heart muscles healthy. It keeps the ब्लड शुगर under check as sugar intake is minimal.


A ketogenic diet may reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in adults and children. The diet can be flexible depending on your needs.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS):

When you are on the keto diet, the blood sugar in the body drops, which decreases the need for insulin. This reduces the production of testosterone in the ovaries and can help with the symptoms of PCOS.

Type 2 Diabetes And Prediabetes:

The keto diet reduces blood sugar, which further helps in reducing the risk of diabetes and benefits people who are already diagnosed with this lifestyle condition.

Improved Brain Function: 

Certain studies suggest that ketogenic diets can result in neuroprotective benefits for your brain. It can help in treating or preventing conditions like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and even sleep disorders. Those who follow such a diet exhibit enhanced brain activity and functions. 

Curbs Hunger Cravings: 

Unlike many other diets where you’ll experience hunger pangs, the keto diet results in reduced appetite. The lower carb and increased fat intake can significantly reduce your hunger cravings as your calorie count also drops. This indicates that this diet keeps you satiated.

Keto diet plan

Keto Diet Benefits_Activ Living Community

Considering a keto diet plan might be the smart move for achieving a healthier lifestyle. A typical meal in a keto diet plan will most likely contain less than 20 grams of net carbs (total carbs minus fiber) per day. The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that primarily consists of healthy fats, protein, non-starchy vegetables, and dairy. This can be paired with supplements to ensure you get enough vitamins and minerals, like electrolytes and magnesium. Barring these keto-friendly foods, you are expected to also limit certain foods while following the diet. This includes cereals, juices, starchy vegetables, sweetened beverages, beans and legumes, bread and baked goods, pasta, grain and grain products, and alcoholic beverages. Begin your keto journey by planning your diet and sticking to it.  

Facts about the keto diet

First and foremost, keto isn’t just a diet; it’s a lifestyle that can work wonders for your health. It can be challenging for some, considering the demanding low-carb, high-fat regimen. Here are a few things to know about the keto diet before you decide to commit to it. 

Keto Is Not Meant For Everyone:

Keto diet is safe for everyone except for individuals who are on medication for diabetes or high ब्लड प्रेशर. Similarly, if you are a breastfeeding mother, it is recommended to opt out of a keto diet. While the results are usually seen in the long run, it is not recommended to be on the keto diet for more than 5-6 months at a stretch. Consult with your dietician regularly for the best effects. 

Beware Of The Keto Flu  

Keto flu is a commonly occurring phenomenon in those who follow the keto diet. The initial few days of the keto diet plan might be challenging for you as you may experience headaches, muscle cramps, fatigue, nausea, constipation, and other flu-like symptoms. It might take a few days or weeks to recover and get back to your original healthier state. This is one of the flip sides of the diet, which can be countered with fluid and electrolyte intake.    

Eat High-Fat Foods:

Add fish to your diet as it is rich in omega-3 (good fats). Also, add low-carb vegetables like spinach and broccoli. Meat and eggs bring a good portion of fats and proteins to the plate too. These foods will keep you feeling full throughout the day and keep your energy up. You can also eat nuts, seeds, and cheese. Many prefer cottage cheese as it is a protein-rich food. Consuming unsweetened and unflavored yogurt has a similar advantage.

Cut Down On Carbohydrates:

You have to cut out all sugary foods and limit fruit intake to a few berries a day. Also, avoid eating sugar through starchy foods like potatoes and root vegetables like carrots and legumes like peas, lentils, chickpeas, etc. Avoid alcohol consumption as sugar in these drinks will reduce the effects of the diet.

Before starting the diet, know its requirements and check if it is beneficial for you. Consult a dietician and understand the flexibility and duration of the diet that best suits your needs. If you are planning to take up a keto diet for medical reasons, make sure to consult your doctor and plan the diet accordingly. Those who have been newly introduced to the keto diet plan must take special care. For starters, curtail stress, prioritize sleep, increase salt intake, exercise frequently, and drink plenty of water during the day to achieve the desired results.      

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in पोषण, फिटनेस, सचेतन, और लाइफस्टाइल से जुड़ी बीमारियां like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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