
4 Ways To Prevent Viral Infection


In the recent sensitive environment because of the spread of Coronavirus in India, it is necessary to maintain hygiene and remain out of public contact. This is the only sure-shot way to protect yourself from Coronavirus. Certain basic hygiene habits can be your guardians and save you from viral infections and ensure that you do not have symptoms of COVID-19.

Here Are A Few Methods Which Can Prevent Viral Infections:

1 Keeping your hands sanitized is the first step to stop the spread of viruses. Wash your hands with soap frequently, especially after coming home from outside, and before and after meals.
2 Carry an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you at all times, and use it whenever soap and water are not available.

3 Apart from being hygienic, it is also important to boost your immunity so you don’t catch infections easily. Eat a diet rich in antioxidant foods like garlic, berries, dark chocolate and green tea.

4 Consider taking multivitamins each day to make up for any nutrients that might be missing in your meals.

Being healthy inside and out will help you and your family prevent catching and spreading viral infections.