
सेल्फ-क्वारंटाइन के दौरान फिट रहने के 5 तरीके

As the coronavirus problem continues to spread, everyone is now being instructed to not leave their homes unless absolutely necessary. With Janata Curfew signaling the start of the most needed self-quarantine, you now have a lot of time on your hands to focus on your health.

If you are wondering how to start your fitness journey,

Here Are A Few Ways To Help You Stay Fit During This Phase Of Social Distancing

1. मेडिटेशन

Meditation helps you stay calm and focused while reducing your stress. Making it a habit helps you control anxiety and also promotes emotional health.

Meditation - Activ Living


Yoga not only helps in keeping yourself fit but also helps to boost your mood. It is proven to be a great activity for people who have diabetes, high blood pressure, or cholesterol as regular practice is known to maintain blood pressure and blood sugar levels It is known to increase your strength and flexibility as well.

Yoga - Activ Living


Taking care of your mental well-being is also necessary. Start painting or drawing and make it a part of your daily routine as it can help to improve mental wellness in lockdown. Engaging in any art-related hobby regularly is proven to be relaxing as it lowers the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, in your body.

Painting - Activ Living

4.Learn Something New

With ample time on your hand, you can focus on learning new things like being a yoga trainer or Pilates instructor. Enroll yourself in interesting online courses to distract yourself from boredom and loneliness. This helps you to de-stress and also ensures your physical well-being. Learn cooking by taking a look at these 5 recipes to cook while you stay indoors.

Learn A New Skill - Activ Living


Working from your home allows you to stick to a regular exercise regime. Try simple indoor exercises such as skipping, push-ups, sit-ups, burpees etc. These help in building your core and also improving your blood pressure.

Indoor Exercising - Activ Living

Try following these methods regularly to continue enjoying the various health benefits that come with being fit.

Cover your and your family’s health by investing in a health insurance plan that covers diseases like COVID-19. With meditation and yoga sessions daily, you can stay active and earn HealthReturns during the new normal of staying at home. HealthReturns can be used for getting discounts up to 30% off on your next health insurance premium. Check out more such blogs on nutrition and health which tell you how you can stay mentally and physically active and how the lockdown is having a positive impact.