
5 Tips For Quarantine Grocery Shopping

India is amid a nationwide lockdown but to get essentials like food items and medicines, you have to step outside. To minimise the risk in this situation, Indian authorities and citizens are coming up with creative methods.

Circles or squares are drawn on roads, and outside many grocery shops and medical stores. These circles mark the position where people need to stand to get their groceries so they can maintain social distancing even outside their houses. 

In recent news, one of the shopkeepers was seen giving ration to people through a funnel instead of handing it personally. Even the NGOs and individuals helping out the poor are distributing masks along with food while maintaining a 2-meter distance between people.

Here Are Some Precautions You Can Take While Shopping Groceries In Quarantine

1 Make A List, Take A Carry- Bag

Take a list of everything you want to buy with you, and a carry bag when you go grocery shopping. Plan what you want to cook and list down ingredients accordingly. This will make the buying process easier and faster.

Make A List - Activ Living


2 Follow The 2-Meter Rule, Stand In A Queue

Maintain 2-meter distance from each other when waiting, entering the shop and leaving the area. Stand in a line and wait for your turn. 

Be 2 Meters Away From Others - Activ Living

3 Go Alone Until Absolutely Necessary

It is important that people leave their houses in small numbers so social distancing can be easily maintained. If you are a single parent with children, you should take them along. But, unless absolutely necessary do not leave your house in pairs or groups. 

Head Out Alone - Activ Living

4 Take Note Of Shopping Hours For Vulnerable Groups

Some grocery stores offer specific shopping hours for elderly people or single parents of young children. Respect these timings and encourage others to follow them.

Look Out For Special Shopping Hours - Activ Living

5 Do Not Buy More Than What Is Needed

Take only the essential items so that everyone can get what they need. There might be some people who need the other items more than you do, and hoarding food items can cause them problems. The government has assured that everyone will be supplied with all necessary items. Do not panic and shop. Only Buy Groceries For A Week - Activ LivingMoreover, FDA guidelines on food and safety do not say that food packets need to be disinfected after bringing them home. But, make sure to clean your hands and face after returning home because it is necessary to ensure your health is protected always.