Stay virtually connected

6 Tips To Connect With Coworkers From Home

Studies show that going to offices and bonding with your colleagues help in keeping you motivated to work and engaged in the organisation. In this time when people are working from their homes, the personal touch of seeing your colleagues, directly talking to them and seeking help, is lost. But there are many ways that you can stay connected with your colleagues, during and post work, virtually.

Here’s How You Can Connect With Your Coworkers

1 Show Yourself More Often:

You could be having meetings on various video calling applications to catch up. Make sure to be visible to others. Doing that gives a better feeling of being in the same room and having a live conversation. You can also bond over how you are looking or feeling.

Be Active On Social Media - Activ Living

2. सोशल मीडिया का उपयोग करें:

Stay in touch with your colleagues social media platforms, messaging applications and video chat applications. There are also applications that allow you to play games virtually with your colleagues.

Be Active On Social Media - Activ Living

3 Celebrate Occasions:

Celebrate in a virtual session if someone has done good work recently. Maybe it is their work anniversary, birthday, or just the celebration of staying strong throughout this time. Take every day as a chance to get to know your colleagues more. Talk to them and get on a virtual call together to raise a toast.

Celebrate Little Things - Activ Living

4 Have Lunch Together:

Get your colleagues on an occasional virtual lunch together. Pick a day where all of you can take a break at the same time and join in on a voice or video call. Send across pictures of the delicious food made in the house to start conversations on text. This will surely help you get the sense of being together.

Have Lunch On Video Call - Activ Living

5 Get Your Pets On Call:

Cats, dogs and other house pets can lighten anyone’s mood. Taking them on a video call for your colleagues will surely make them smile. You can also share your hobbies on call show your colleagues a painting you made or simply, have a conversation.

Get Your Pets On Video Call - Activ Living

6 Do Activities Together:

You can also decide to workout at the same time with your colleague. Take some time before or after work to exercise together while staying connected on call or video call. This will not only keep you motivated towards work but fit and healthy as well.

Workout Together Virtually - Activ Living

Take this time to strengthen your bond with your work-friends so you have a lot to discuss when you meet again. Encourage others to stay at home and maintain proper health & hygiene to be safe.