
Tips To Avoid Computer Vision Syndrome

Most people are working from home amid the lockdown, therefore, the time spent staring at laptop screens has increased. This is because of the commute time, time taken to talk to your colleagues, etc is spent looking at the screen. The scenario is similar for children and adults who are not working but watch TV, OTT platforms, or spend time on social media. The surge in screen time means your eyes are experiencing more stress than usual. In this situation,

Here Are Some Tips You Can Follow To Relax Your Eyes And Take Care Of Them

1 Keep Laptop At A Distance To Protect Eyes:

It is recommended to keep your laptop at an arm’s length away. That means the screen should be at one arm distance from your eyes. Also, adjust the brightness and screen position so that you are able to see with ease; without straining or focusing too much.

Maintain A Distance From The Screen - Activ Living

2 Let The Natural Light In:

From starting your day till afternoon, try to work in natural light instead of tube-lights or LED lights. Sunlight, when allowed to enter the room through windows and doors, is gentle on your eyes. It also helps you be active throughout the day.

Work In A Natural Light - Activ Living

3 Take Regular Breaks To Relax your Eyes:

This is one piece of advice that people ignore because they need to concentrate on work constantly. But you can time yourself in a way that every hour, you take your eyes off the screen for at least 5 minutes. Get up to drink water, walk a little, or put your head down to take a break.

Give Yourself A Break - Activ Living

4 Do Eye Exercises:

Once in a day, take some time out to do simple eye exercises. For example- watching your thumb while moving it from left to right, eyeball rotations, and relaxing your eyes by rubbing the palms together and placing on your eyes.

Eye Exercises - Activ Living

5 Eat Foods That Improve Vision:

Leafy green vegetables like spinach and cabbage, citrus fruits like oranges and grapes, berries, nuts, and eggs help in improving eyesight. Add them to your daily diet.

Food For Eyesight - Activ Living

Use these tips to reduce the effect of increased screen-time on your eyes while ensuring you stay in best of your health at home!