5 foods to help you sleep better

Food For Good Sleep: The Expert Guide To Achieving A Restful Night’s Sleep

Getting good sleep is essential for being productive throughout the day. Melatonin is a sleep-regulating hormone that improves sleep quality when levels are high. It is found in many food items. Here are some of the best foods to help you sleep better:

Getting good sleep is essential for being productive throughout the day. Melatonin is a sleep-regulating hormone that improves sleep quality when levels are high. It is found in many food items.

Here Are Some Of The Best Foods To Help You Sleep Better

1. बादाम:

These are rich in minerals and are also known to reduce the risk of heart diseases. A handful of Almonds has ample melatonin to give you a good night’s sleep.

Recipe Ideas: You can add Almonds to many types of Indian curries like shahi paneer, dal makhani, and chicken curry. You can also make desserts like almond kheer and almond halwa. Moreover, you can bake cakes and biscuits with almond flour and even add them to milkshakes.

Almonds Help You Sleep Better - Activ Living

2. केला:

To get a good dose of essential vitamins and minerals like magnesium and potassium, and for good sleep, you should consume one banana every night. These relax your muscles and help you fall asleep quickly.

Recipe Ideas: If you don’t want to eat bananas in a regular way, you can blend it with milk and chocolate to make a milkshake. Drinking half a cup of it should do the trick! You can also have half a banana and chocolate toast if dark chocolate is available in your area. Moreover, bananas can be used to make bread, cakes, and cookies at home.

Banana - Activ Living

3. दूध:

For centuries people have been drinking warm milk before sleeping to relax their body and mind. It is one of the best foods for good sleep. Milk has tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the body in releasing serotonin that soothes the muscles and calms the mind.

Recipe Ideas: You can drink plain warm milk or add turmeric (haldi) to it. You can also add cardamom (ilaichi) powder or nutmeg (jaiphal, if available). These have antioxidants that cleanse your body and help you in sleeping better.

Milk - Activ Living

4. ओटमील:

Eating this at night makes you feel full and drowsy. Oatmeal is also a good source of melatonin. Consuming it with warm milk has a better effect.

Recipe Ideas: You can make oats upma, masala oats with veggies, eggs and rolled oats and eggs omelet, or have them with milk and fruits. You can also blend milk, chocolate/fruits, and frozen, milk-soaked oats to make a smoothie.

Oatmeal For Better Sleep - Activ Living

5 White rice:

Having a cup of cooked white rice at least 2 hours before bed can help you feel drowsy and sleep uninterrupted. You also wake up fresh and have energy in the morning due to the carbs in rice.

Recipe Ideas: You can eat rice as dinner with any sort of curry. You can fry some onions and garlic in butter before making the rice to add a smooth flavor to the rice as well.

White Rice - Activ Living

Add these foods and recipes to your diet for better sleep. Along with this, exercising regularly and reducing your screen time can also help you sleep better and sound sleep is a good way to be safe from ailments in the future.