How-To-Lose-Weight-Safely-And-Naturally_activ living community

Home Remedies For Weight Loss Naturally

How-To-Lose-Weight-Safely-And-Naturally_activ living community

Almost everyone tries new food plans to maintain their body weight in this modern age. In addition, it’s a common belief that losing weight is tougher than putting on weight. However, there are several natural home remedies for weight loss that can benefit you greatly!

इनके बारे में जानें:

Problems associated with obesity

Obesity is defined as a medical condition when a lot of harmful fats get collected in our bodies. Excessive fat can also put us at risk for health complications. Obesity is typically caused due to overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. This is because consuming too much fatty food can store the extra calories as fat, even if you exercise daily. 

Symptoms of obesity

Here are some of the most common symptoms of obesity:

  • हाई ब्लड प्रेशर (हाइपरटेंशन)
  • Sudden shortness of breath 
  • Excess acidity and other gastrointestinal problems

Risks of acidity 

Here are some of the health risks that you are more susceptible to if you’re suffering from obesity:

  • Cardiovascular problems and heart strokes 
  • Inflammation of joints and bones, also known as osteoarthritis.
  • Various types of cancer
  • टाइप-2 डायबिटीज

If you’re still with us, you must have questions like “How to lose weight naturally?” or “How to lose weight at home?”. Well, you can try to implement several home remedies for weight loss in your lifestyle that aid you. 

Understand your BMI

The body mass index or BMI of a person is their height-to-weight ratio. It indicates the ideal weight of a person depending on their height. The ideal BMI of a person is between 18.5 and 25.9 You can calculate it by dividing your weight in Kg by the square of your height in meters.

Exercises to lose weight at home

Here are some of the best exercises and weight loss tips at home that you can follow to reduce your body weight:

Walking exercises

Regularly walking a healthy amount of distance is often known as the best exercise for managing weight and losing extra calories. According to several pieces of research, an average human of 70 Kg shed around 167 calories every 30 minutes of walking at a pace of 6.5 km/hr. 

However, to reap the benefits and manage weight quickly, you’ll have to walk thrice a week for at least 50 minutes. You can also try jogging, walking, or running on your terrace or at home, making them one of the easiest home remedies for weight loss. 

These exercises are great for strengthening your lower body and are very effective in reducing excess belly fat and improving your muscles. Practising aerobic exercises for 30 minutes regularly can help you shed around 370 calories.

Steps to practise walking exercises:

  • Start by walking for 15 minutes.
  • Start jogging for the next 15 minutes.
  • Run at a higher intensity for the next 10 minutes
  • Relax and jog for the next 10 minutes
  • Slow down and walk for the next 5 minutes.


Skipping can be a boon to you if you’re looking for weight loss tips at home. It often serves as a complete body workout that burns a lot of calories and increases your muscle strength. When done consistently, it can also help you manage depression and anxiety. Skipping for an hour can help you burn a staggering amount of 1300 calories! 

In addition, you can perform this exercise from any place you want, making it one of the best answers to the question, “How to lose weight naturally?”

Steps to practise walking exercises:

  • Stand straight on a flat surface 
  • Keep your feet straight, pointing forward. 
  • Jump and swing the rope under your feet 
  • Repeat these steps until you decide to stop 

Home remedies to lose weight

Here are some of the best home remedies for weight loss that you can incorporate into your daily life. 

  • Have a protein-rich diet

Protein Diet For Weight Loss - Activ LivingA high-protein diet keeps you full for a long time and boosts your metabolism. It also helps you be fit and alert all day. Pulses, sprouts, eggs, most dairy products, and green vegetables are high in protein. It is one of the best ways to lose weight naturally.

  • Avoid processed foods and sugar

Avoid Processed Food And Sugar- Activ LivingProcessed foods have fewer nutrients and are high in sugar and calories. White bread, white pasta, chocolates, biscuits, etc., should be consumed in smaller amounts or removed from your diet.

  • Drink herbal teas and black coffee

Herbal Tea And Black Coffee To Burn Belly Fat - Activ LivingYou can make many types of herbal teas at home by boiling spices and herbs like तुलसी, turmeric, and ginger with lime and honey. These help in flushing the toxins out of your body and improve metabolism. You can also drink one cup of black coffee daily to keep your body active. It also helps in burning more calories.

  • Do low–impact exercises

Low Impact Exercises - Activ Living Exercises like aerobics and Zumba have a low impact on your joints. These are effective in keeping the body’s metabolism rate up and burning calories faster.

Here’s what you should not do!

Here are some common mistakes to avoid while you’re trying out various weight-loss tips at home 

  • Try crash diets:

Instant weight-loss diets are ineffective in the long run. Starving yourself slows your metabolism down. Doing keto for 30- 90 days without breaks can harm the body. Going on juice cleanses or eating only vegetables might make you slimmer, but it won’t make you healthier, and the weight comes back on very quickly.

  • Exercising excessively:

Your body needs to adjust to the routine and pace of the workout. If you overexert, you might end up hurting yourself. It is better to start slowly and gradually improve your time and exercise speed.

Remember, it’s vital to be aware of your body and to never overexert yourself. If you want to manage your weight, regularly practising these exercises and home remedies can aid in managing obesity and overall well-being.

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and lifestyle conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.How-To-Lose-Weight-Safely- living community

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