Eating Bananas_Activ Living Community

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Bananas for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is when the strain of blood flowing against the arteries is higher than the delicate blood vessels can bear, which can occur for reasons including poor diet, fast-paced life and stress. Therefore, maintaining healthy blood pressure levels is crucial for overall cardiovascular health. Bananas and Amlodipine can play a helpful role in achieving that goal.

Bananas are often praised for their ability to promote heart health and regulate blood pressure. So, are bananas good for high blood pressure? Let’s get into it!

इनके बारे में जानें: 

What makes bananas suitable for maintaining blood pressure?

How do Bananas Help With High Blood Pressure?

If you are wondering whether bananas are good for high blood pressure, the answer is Yes, thanks to their rich potassium content, which plays a vital role in regulating blood pressure levels.

An average-sized banana contains around 400-450 milligrams of potassium. Potassium balances the harmful effects of sodium, a mineral harmful to blood pressure. So, by increasing your potassium intake, you can maintain a healthier blood pressure range. 

How to lower blood pressure quickly?

High BP is a critical health condition that can seriously damage your heart and the cardiovascular system. However, there are many foods that lower blood pressure quickly. Let’s understand them in the following pointers: 

  • Practise deep breathing 

Deep breathing exercises can promote relaxation and temporarily lower blood pressure. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs with air, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeating this deep breathing pattern for several minutes will help you calm your mind, allowing your body and blood pressure to relax.

  • अरोमाथेरेपी 

Essential oils like lavender, peppermint, and tree oil are known for their calming properties. Certain scents have been shown to have a relaxing effect on the body and can help lower blood pressure. Add a few drops to a diffuser or apply diluted oil to your pulse points to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy.

  • Drink hibiscus tea 

Hibiscus acts as a diuretic substance and draws sodium from the blood, decreasing the pressure on the arterial wall. They relax your blood vessels and lower the blood volume, which reduces blood pressure. Brew a cup of hibiscus tea by steeping it in hot water for a few minutes to lower your blood pressure.

Banana nutrition

High blood pressure levels can be alarming. However, some fruits and foods can lower blood pressure quickly. Banana is one of them, as it is rich in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins B6 and C. Let’s go over the nutrition value for 100 grams of banana serving:

न्यूट्रिएंट  Ripe bananas  Overripe bananas 
प्रोटीन 0.74g 0.73g 
विटामिन सी 12.3 mg 9.7 mg
Starch  3.66g 0.41g
Sugars 15.8 g 15.8 g
फाइबर 1.7 g 1.7 g
Carbohydrate 23 g 20.1 g
Citric acid 341 mg 279 mg
Malic acid 369 mg 290 mg 
पोटेशियम 326 mg 326 mg
कैलोरी 98 Kcl 85 Kcl

Daily intake of bananas

It’s a fact that eating two bananas every week can decrease your blood pressure levels by 10% However, visiting your doctor for a proper diet for high blood pressure is important.  

Advantages of eating bananas

There are several health advantages of eating bananas. If you are still thinking, “Is banana good for high blood pressure?”, let’s look at their benefits:

  • Banana is a fiber-rich food. Fibers can slow digestion and keep you full for a long time, thus, preventing overeating and the consumption of unhealthy snacks.
  • Bananas also contain soluble fibers and starch, which lowers blood pressure levels and boosts insulin sensitivity. 
  • Bananas are rich in potassium, which prevents muscle cramps and dehydration. In addition, potassium consumption is good for your kidney health.   
  • Bananas are an excellent way to start or end an exercise session. This is because they have all the nutrients to boost your body’s functions. 
  • Bananas also possess antioxidant qualities, which can reduce the risk of heart complications and other diseases. 
  • The starch found in bananas is considered prebiotic, a substance consumed by the good bacteria in your gut for better digestive health.  

Disadvantages of overconsumption of bananas

Here are some of the disadvantages of overconsumption of bananas:

  • Caloric density: Bananas are relatively high in calories compared to some other fruits, so portion control is necessary for those on a controlled diet.
  • Potential for allergic reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to bananas, experiencing symptoms like itching, hives, or swelling.
  • Fiber content: Overconsumption of bananas can lead to abnormal fiber content in the body, resulting in bloating and cramps. 
  • Sleepiness: Banana contains tryptophan and magnesium, which can make you feel sleepy.

Foods to avoid when taking Amlodipine

When consuming bananas and Amlodipine, a medication for high blood pressure and chest pain, it is crucial to be mindful of certain foods that can disrupt their effectiveness. Here are some foods to avoid:

  • चकोतरा: Interferes with Amlodipine metabolism.
  • High-sodium foods: Counters the blood pressure-lowering effects.
  • Caffeine: May increase heart rate and interfere with blood pressure control.
  • Processed meats: High in sodium, which can counteract Amlodipine’s effects.
  • सैचुरेटेड फैट्स: Excessive intake may increase the risk of cardiovascular issues.

The right time to eat bananas 

While you can eat bananas anytime, consuming them during the day is advisable, especially as a breakfast. Consider avoiding bananas if you are suffering from a cold, cough or other respiratory issues.

Eating bananas for high blood pressure may not be recommended if you have other क्रॉनिक या पुरानी स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं or medical conditions with BP. Consult your doctor before adding bananas to your diet.

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and lifestyle conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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