Nutritionist Suman Agarwal shows lactating mothers how to make a delicious and nourishing dessert recipe and also provides tips on how to improve the quality of breastmilk.
Lactating mothers need to consume a diet that is well-balanced with protein and fat and they need to stay well hydrated. This milk-based dessert ticks all the right boxes when it comes to nutrition value and helps new moms produce better quality milk. The recipe uses milk and paneer which are both good sources of protein, fat, calcium and vitamins which contribute to the healthy development of the baby.
One litre of milk is boiled and reduced to about 400 millilitres to make it thick. Another litre of milk is brought to the boil and curdled to paneer using lime juice. The paneer is separated from the whey and mixed into the reduced milk which has been cooled. A bit of sugar and chopped mangoes/seasonal fruit complete this delicious dessert recipe.
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