Ishwari Pati-l Activ Living

ईश्वरी पाटिल ने अपने रोजमर्रा के जीवन में छोटे-छोटे बदलाव करके #SehatiNayiAadat को कैसे सफल बनाया?

Ishwari Pati-l Activ Living

Ishwari Patil- Activ Living

#How did the lockdown make it difficult to follow your health routine?

When the lockdown happened, I took it positively and worked out every day; it was fun. But then eventually, it got repetitive and I was entirely bored with it. This lead to my motivation levels falling low.

I tried to adjust to the new normal, which meant no stepping outside or getting to see friends or family. I felt sick of it, health-wise. I used to go to Yoga and sometimes to the gym too but both stopped, making it difficult to adjust.

#While you were trying to deal with it, what were your family or loved ones going through?

My loved ones were going through their own issues. They were struggling emotionally and finances were tight as well. But all of us stayed tight and helped one another. We did virtual Yoga classes and sometimes stepped out to just walk around our apartment.

“I also practiced gratitude journaling every day to keep my mind at peace.”

#When did you realize or decide- let’s do something good and begin a SehatKi NayiAadat?

This was after 3 months of lockdown. My friend started virtual training to keep each other motivated. I also practiced Yoga with my family every morning. We started experimenting with cooking different cuisines at home. And I increased my dog’s walk time, so we started walking 45 minutes in the morning and evening. I also practiced gratitude journaling every day to keep my mind at peace.

#So this became your Sehat Ki Nayi Aadat…. Were the results encouraging? What changed for good, and you were surprised it turned out to be so well!

I just felt like I could manage everything. Even though work has taken a back seat, there’s a lot more that we can do together, and just start appreciating the small things in life. I couldn’t be more grateful that I had my family with me and they were safe during such times.

#Why is it very important to have SehatKiNayiAadat? And how it makes you realize about your and your partner’s or family’s well-being?

It’s easy to get in that zone of negative thinking, and once you’re deep in it, it becomes tough to come out. So, SehatKiNayiAadat is not only for our physical health but also for our mental health. There are other benefits such as it makes our immune system strong and boosts overall well-being, which is of utmost priority in these times.

#Lastly, how will you motivate your followers and our readers to share their SehatKiNayiAadat story?

Simply by sharing my own story and requesting the readers to share theirs to help encourage and lift one another.

If you have a #SehatKiNayiAadat, then do share your story here.

Ishwari Patil is a Yoga teacher & a pshychotherapist


**Share a video/photo of your new habit with your family member on social media with #SehatKiNayiAadat and you could win exciting prizes. Don’t forget to tag Aditya Birla Health Insurance.