Kuldeep Singhania- Activ Living

Kuldeep Singhania’s Healthy Family Bonding

Kuldeep Singhania- Activ Living

Kuldeep Singhania- Activ Living

#How difficult was it to follow your health routine during the lockdown? 

With gyms and fitness centers closed, it was tough to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Suddenly, even eating healthy felt tricky, because we were not working out. Along with that being up until late at night hampered the body’s sleep cycle and changed my body clock completely. Staying forcefully at home, 24×7, was probably the biggest difficulty. It started making me feel claustrophobic after a point in time.

#While you were trying to deal with lockdown, what was your family going through?

My parents are in their 60’s; and taking care of one’s health especially at this age becomes an utmost priority. They used to go for daily walks in the morning, they did yoga and Pranayama with their friends, before lockdown. Since the lockdown, they haven’t been able to step out of the house. This gradually started causing mood swings, and their energy fell low.

#At what point did you realise the need to do something good and began Sehat Ki Nayi Aadat with your family?

It was probably after 15 – 20 days of the first lockdown., When the government announced that the lockdown will be extended, we started pursuing Sehat Ki Nayi Aadat. Gradually, we started changing our schedules and working out over Zoom calls. Everybody became a chef, trying new dishes. Video calls that go on for hours became the new stress buster. It was tough to adapt in the beginning, but we got used to it.

#Were the results of your Sehat Ki Nayi Aadat encouraging? What good changes from this routine managed to surprise you?

The best thing that happened was that my family started to bond well. Before lockdown, everybody was entangled in his/her life. There was no time to introspect, or even connect with relatives and friends. Lockdown gave us the reason to come closer and spread love and happiness, both, mentally and emotionally.

Kuldeep Singhania- Activ Living

#Is it essential to have Sehat Ki Nayi Aadat? How does it impact your and family’s well-being?

Sehat Ki Nayi Aadat has taught us health hai to wealth hai. We learned its importance not only because of the pandemic but even otherwise. In the end, even if we have all the worldly success but aren’t healthy, then what’s the point?

#Lastly, how will motivate your followers and our readers to share their Sehat Ki Nayi Aadat story?

Our mental, physical and emotional health has suffered because of the lockdown. However, the best part is we are fighting back. We have developed new habits and we’re coming back stronger. But there are people still enduring the trauma caused by the lockdown and it is affecting their health. I hope your motivational stories will help them in adapting to their “Sehat ki Nayi Aadat”, and it encourages them to become a healthier version of themselves.


Kuldeep Singhania is an Actor, Influencer & Entrepreneur


**Share a video/photo of your new habit with your family member on social media with #SehatKiNayiAadat and you could win exciting prizes. Don’t forget to tag Aditya Birla Health Insurance.