Health Benefits of Papaya- Activ Living

पपीते के 5 स्वास्थ्य लाभ

If you love papayas, chances are that it is part of your morning breakfast. Papayas are a rich source of Vitamin C and are best enjoyed uncooked and ripe. Papaya benefits your health with vitamins A, B, E, and K as well as other elements essential to your diet.

Here Are A Few Of The Many Health Benefits Of Papaya:

1.Boosts Immunity

Papaya has antioxidant properties and a healthy dose of Vitamin C which improves immune function and lowers your risk of several diseases.

2 Prevents Skin Damage

With vitamin C and lycopene, papaya helps reduce the signs of aging like wrinkles. It also protects your skin from harmful rays of the sun.

3 Improves Heart Health

Vitamin C and lycopene along with fiber and potassium also help to prevent heart disease.

4 Helps With Digestion

The enzyme papain, found in papayas, aids digestion. The fiber and water content help to maintain a healthy digestive tract.

5 Reduces Cancer Risk

Some studies have shown that lycopene in papaya may help in reducing cancer risk and perhaps even slowing cancer progression in patients.


Are you looking for innovative ways to include more health advantages of papaya in your diet?

Try These Recipes At Home And Boost Your Immunity.

1 Papaya Fruit Salad/Smoothie

Papaya Smoothie- Activ livingPapaya is a versatile fruit and can be included in different dishes. For a papaya fruit salad, scoop out the seeds and chop the papaya into small pieces. Add chopped fruits like pineapples, bananas and mangoes to complete the fruit salad. You can also blend these chopped fruits together to make a smoothie.  


2 Papaya Halwa

Papaya Halwa- Activ LivingLooking for a new Diwali sweet? Add one spoon of ghee on a pan and fry some dry fruits. Keep them aside. Next, add some water to the same and keep cooking it. After this, add papaya pulp and sugar to the mix. Keep the pan closed and cook it until the dish gets a thick consistency.

Browse some recipes for more healthy recipes on our blog for nutrition and health.

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