Start Your Day With Positivity In Only 8 Steps- Activ Living

How To Start Your Day With Positivity?

It is up to us to decide as to what kind of approach we want to have while starting our day. We can let our thoughts wreak havoc on our minds immediately when we wake up, and can decide to pull the sheets back over our heads, and turnover and try and sleep it off. Or we can make a conscious choice of putting in effort of filling our day with positivity around us.

Change your mindset- Activ Living

Setting an interesting pattern in place for beginning the day, repeated regularly can sound monotonous but it does give a sense of being in a safe zone with your thoughts where you can have some direct control of how the day begins. Unfortunately, too many of us take our mornings pretty lightly. We tend to sleep till the last minute repeatedly snoozing the alarm, take a quick shower, maybe grab a bite to eat or a cup of coffee/tea, and rush out the door.

Try doing the following things:

1 Make your bed – Make it a habit of making your bed, as the first chore you complete to start your day. That itself will give you a sense of accomplishment.

2 Exercise – Assemble your thoughts, and start your day with exercises. This energetic approach to your day helps you set a tonality to your thoughts, where you are bubbling with positive vibes and energy. The desire to achieve and do something fruitful during the day as an accomplishment, helps you look forward to the day.

3 Try & Stay away from your gadgets – Your gadgets are going to rule your day, so you can manage to stay away from your phone/laptop immediately at the onset off your day. Do not tumble into the daily chores of your life with disoriented thoughts. Before leaving your bed instead of immediately peeking into your phone, sit up, take deep breaths and chant any mantra that you would want to repeat to yourself to get you through the day, all the time maintaining a ‘Zen’ approach to life.

4 Give yourself time – Start the day, at the right time, where you end up having some time for your thoughts before you launch yourself directly into the day. Read a little, catch up on the news, or play light music that sets you in the mood to conquer your day.

5 Healthy Breakfast – If you have to work and have a sharp mind, you would need to fuel yourself real strong. Have a healthy breakfast, and eat it with proper time in hand. Chew your food and give time to yourself. Do not hog your meal and rush out through the door, it just helps you in feeling lost in the pace and probably a little disoriented.

6 A smile can work wonders – Try and wake up with a smile on your face, as the day is here for you to conquer. Remind yourself of the self-love and how worthy you are of this life, love and use this as your armour to face the day with renewed strength and energy.

7 Be grateful – Gratitude is everything. Be grateful for this wonderful life you have. Live it with zest and think of the purpose for the day. A little mental ‘To-Do List’ for yourself apart from your daily chores at work will help you look forward today with a way more positive approach. Decide to deal with the work and the stress in a positive way for your mental wellbeing.

8 Avoid Conflicts – Immediately post waking up, try to avoid subjects of conflict. This might put you in a grumpy mood. Choose to spend quality time, making yourself to gear up for the day, then immediately getting into a situation that might spoil your mood. At times this can be unavoidable, but in the end the choice will always be yours to prioritise.

