Yoga for sleep - Activ Living

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Yoga For Better Sleep- Activ Living


  1. Yoga for Good Sleep
  2. Balasana
  3. Uttanasana
  4. Salabhasana
  5. Savasana 

While most forms of physical exercise are not recommended close to bedtime, yoga’s fluid movements and meditative effects can actually help you sleep better. Here are a few yoga poses for sleep that will help you fight insomnia and have a good night’s rest.

Yoga for Good Sleep

1 Balasana:

When doing yoga for insomnia the first pose you can do is Balasana or the Child Pose. Kneel on the floor making sure that your toes are together. Spread your knees out till they are in line with your hips and bend forward so that your forehead touches the mat and your chest touches your thighs. Keeping your arms straight, place your palms facing upwards on either side of your feet. Hold the pose for one minute while breathing deeply.

Balasana- Activ Living

2 Uttanasana:

For the Uttanasana or Forward bend Pose, stand in the middle of your mat and keep your feet hips width apart. Exhale and bend forward so that your spine elongates while you bring your forehead as close to your knees as possible. Hold on to your shins with your hands. Hold this pose for one minute as well while breathing deeply.

Uttanasana- Activ Living

3 Salabhasana:

The next pose in the yoga before sleep routine is Salabhasana or the Locust Pose. Lie face down on your mat with your toes outstretched. Slowly raise your head, chest and legs off the mat while keeping your hands stretched out at the side of your body. Hold for one minute while you breathe in and out.

Salabhasana- Activ Living

4 Savasana:

The fourth and final pose is the Savasana or Corpse Pose. One of the easiest yoga poses, all you have to do is lie on your back and keep your arms close to your sides with your palms facing upwards. Release all tension from your body as you breathe in and breathe out staying conscious of your breath. At this point if you start to feel sleepy, you can get into bed and continue doing Savasana. Let yourself fall asleep and stay asleep all through the night.

Savasan- Activ Living

It has been widely established that yoga before sleep can help both the body and mind relax therefore improving sleep quality. Yoga also helps to improve blood circulation and muscle flexibility. Doing these yoga poses for sleep also encourages the body to heal and repair itself while you are sleeping so that you wake up feeling renewed and refreshed. 

While you look forward to better sleep and thereby a healthier lifestyle, you can also add mindfulness and healthy nutrition to your routine for a more holistic approach to better living.

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