Winter Fruits_Activ Living Community

5 स्वस्थ मौसमी फल, जिन्हें आप अपनी सर्दियों के आहार में शामिल कर सकते हैं

In the winter season, you might fall prey to frequent colds because of the cooler temperatures and shorter days. Staying at home mostly during the past few months could have lowered your immunity too. 

These winter-season fruits are rich in Vitamin C, which is an anti-oxidant important in cold weather to maintain body heat and strengthen your immune system. Eating seasonal fruits is not just healthy, but they taste better because they are fresh.

Here Are Winter Fruits That Should Be A Part Of Your Daily Diet In Winter

1. सेब

Winter Fruits Apple- Activ Living

You are likely to find apples in most households during winter. Apples have anti-oxidants that improve neurological health and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. This winter fruit also reduces the risk of diabetes and thrombotic stroke. 

2 अंगूर 

Winter Fruits Grapes- Activ Living

Grapes are a fruit available throughout the year but they are beneficial as a winter season fruit as they are rich in antioxidants. They are also a good source of potassium which can help prevent skin problems. Grapes boost your brain power and are great for your eyes and knees.

3 कीवी

Winter Fruits Kiwi - Activ Living

Kiwis are a rich source of Vitamin C and keep you energized throughout the day. It is a good source of dietary fiber and will help you digest all the festive food you will be eating during the winter season. Kiwi has alkaline properties, which help keep your body in shape and improve skin health.

4 Oranges

Oranges- Activ Living

Oranges are another fruit available throughout the year that you should eat in the winter. The fruit is not just a rich source of Vitamin C, which is important during winter, but it also reduces the risk of cancer. They are a nutritious snack, and you can also blend them into a healthy juice too.

5 Strawberries

Winter fruits Strawberries- Activ Living

Strawberries are a winter fruit you probably love to indulge in this season, and they have their own health benefits too. Strawberries are good for the skin because they are rich in antioxidants, and they can give your immunity a boost to avoid the usual winter ailments. 

Some more fruits that just missed out on our winter fruits list but would do well in your diet include guavas, pears, pomegranates, papayas and chikoos. You can enjoy these fruits plain or in a fruit salad. Be careful not to blend the fruits too much if you are making a smoothie because they could lose their dietary fiber, which can help your digestion.

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