Steps of Suryanamaskar- Activ Living

The Health Benefits of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

During the past year, our existing routines have gone a bit haywire and you might have lost time for things that matter, like health and fitness. To get your new year off to a healthy start, here’s our #21StartsABHI health challenge. We will be giving out 21 health habits for you to do every single day for the next 21 days this 2021 All you need to do is upload a video or photo of you doing the habit and share on any social media platform with #21StartsABHI. Stand a chance to win FREE online fitness class subscriptions + Amazon vouchers.

Surya Namaskar is considered the ‘ultimate asana’ because it brings together 12 asanas in one exercise. Watch the video or check out this illustration to get a better idea of all the asanas included in this exercise.

These asanas are performed in a cyclic manner and can exercise the entire body. While doing the Surya Namaskar you are strengthening your back and abdominal muscles. It stretches the abdominal organs and ventilates the lungs too.

Benefits of Suryanamaskar- Activ Living

What are the health benefits of Surya Namaskar?

Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is the practice of paying respect to the sun with several physical and mental health benefits such as:

  • Full-body workout:

Practising Surya Namaskar for 10 minutes daily can burn more calories that swimming for 10 minutes. It is an effective cardiovascular workout to lose belly fat and strengthen ab muscles.

  • Improved digestion and blood circulation:

Surya Namaskar helps against indigestion and constipation by stretching abdominal organs. It also boosts blood circulation in the body by bringing down blood sugar levels. The breathing asanas in this exercise help detoxify the body and improve lung health.

  • Psychological benefits:

Surya Namaskar works on the endocrine gland and mainly the thyroid gland. This can help boost your mental health by keeping away anxiety and insomnia. It also improves your memory and nervous system.

The Surya Namaskar is best done during the morning at sunrise. It helps get your day off to a bright start. However, if you miss the morning workout, you can take ten minutes during your day for this exercise too. You must always do the Surya Namaskar on an empty stomach, which is another reason why it is a good exercise in the morning. Check out the Activ Living Page to learn more yoga exercises for body detox, weight loss and much more

How can you take part in the contest?

  1. Follow us on Instagram @abchealthinsurance
  2. आज के लिए #21StartsABHI हैबिट देखें
  3. Upload pictures or videos of you doing the habit by tagging @abchealthinsurance and using hashtag #21StartsABHI
  4. मुफ्त ऑनलाइन फिटनेस क्लास सब्सक्रिप्शन + अमेज़न वाउचर जीतें

For more such healthy habits checkout our #21StartsABHI section here.

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