How sound healing helps- Activ Living

Calming Sound Healing To Make You More Relaxed

2021 is a new year with promises of a fresh start. However, for many of us, the thought of starting over after the lockdown could be challenging. To help you get started and make the process less daunting, we bring you #21StartsABHI. The contest has been specially designed to gently encourage and keep you motivated as you embark on your journey to good health.

We will be giving out 21 health habits for you to do every single day for the next 21 days of 2021 All you need to do is upload a video or photo of you doing the habit and share on any social media platform with #21StartsABHI. इससे आप ऑनलाइन फिटनेस क्लास का मुफ्त सब्सक्रिप्शन + अमेज़न वाउचर जीतने का मौका पा सकते हैं. 

The thought of getting started could be overwhelming and might cause आपके हृदय के स्वास्थ्य को. Some of us might also be recovering from illness or injury and are looking for something that can help speed up our recovery. Sound healing has been shown to be extremely effective for mental and physical wellbeing. In this sound healing technique, expert Shraddha Iyer, delivers the soothing sounds that vibrate through the body making you feel calm and relaxed.

Sound Healing Technique

The sound healing technique involves Shraddha striking the sound bowl and then focussing your attention on a part of your body as you listen to the vibrations. With each strike of the bowl, she moves your focus to a different part of your body so that the vibrations can travel all the way from your feet to the top of your head. You can feel the calming and healing effect as you relax and let the sound vibrations flow through you.

Shraddha uses different bowls to create different frequencies of vibrations. The varied frequencies can better target the different areas of the body for optimal blood circulation and healing. The overall effect is also very calming on the mind. 

How Does Sound Healing Work?

Sound is vibrations in the air that are picked up by our eardrums and translated by our brain as a certain type of sound. As the sound vibrates through us it resonates with the various cells in our body and helps to release energetic blocks. As energy starts to flow easily through the body it enhances blood circulation, which in turn promotes healing and detoxification of the body.

Sound also has a calming effect on the mind. Certain frequencies of sound are able to slow down brainwaves and bring us to a more relaxed state. In this state, the mind is able to de-stress and feel very calm. The calm mind causes hormonal changes, taking the body out of fight or flight mode and promoting repair and regeneration of cells and tissues. This is how sound can also help to heal physical injury and illness.

Listen to this sound healing video as part of #21StartsABHI to help you stay on the path to a healthier lifestyle. You can also check out the various other resources available in the पोषण और सचेतन सेक्शन, ऐक्टिव लिविंग ब्लॉग के तहत.

How can you take part in the contest?

  1. Follow us on Instagram @abchealthinsurance
  2. देखें #21StartsABHI habit for the day
  3. Upload pictures or videos of you doing the habit by tagging @abchealthinsurance and using hashtag #21StartsABHI
  4. मुफ्त ऑनलाइन फिटनेस क्लास सब्सक्रिप्शन + अमेज़न वाउचर जीतें

ऐसी अन्य स्वस्थ आदतों के लिए देखें हमारा #21StartsABHI यह सेक्शन.