Benefits of Yoga- Activ Living

#21StartsABHI- दिन 20: योगा आपको प्रतिदिन अधिक ऊर्जा कैसे प्रदान कर सकता है?

ये start of a new year brings with it new promises and hope for a healthier and happier life. But often after the first few weeks have passed, we get busy with other things in life and forget to maintain our health routines. To help you not only get started on achieving your health goals but also to keep the momentum going, we bring you #21StartsABHI.

We will be giving out 21 health habits for you to do every single day for the next 21 days of 2021 All you need to do is upload a video or photo of you doing the habit and share on any social media platform with #21StartsABHI. इससे आप ऑनलाइन फिटनेस क्लास का मुफ्त सब्सक्रिप्शन + अमेज़न वाउचर जीतने का मौका पा सकते हैं.

Yoga has been around for thousands of years and is proven to have a variety of health benefits. From calming the mind and making to body more flexible, to reducing stress and boosting energy, yoga is effective. इस यह वीडियो, renowned Holistic Health Expert, Dr. Mickey Mehta shows us how to use yoga to make your body more flexible and in turn open up your mind. The mind always works better when it is open.

Yoga Poses for an Open Body and Open Mind

These yoga poses give you the conviction and self-confidence to approach life with a positive attitude.

For the first pose, sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. In one smooth motion, lean backwards so that your back is now on the floor and lift your legs together so that you fold your body at the waist and your legs go over your head. You can raise your back of the floor and stretch your arms out behind your back to help you maintain your balance. This will take a bit of practice, but if you do it every day you will become more flexible.

From the first position, you can bring your legs back from over your head and while resting on the curve of your back, lift the upper part of your body off the floor and join your feet together in a नमस्ते. Place your hands over your feet so that your hands and feet are both in नमस्ते position. Remaining in this position, hold each big toe and pull them back gently. This is how you open your body. 

Next to open your mind. While still holding your toes, pull your legs open and stretch them out on either side of your body. Don’t worry if you can’t get it the first few times. Practice will make perfect.

Bring your feet back together in नमस्ते, bring them down to the floor and sit up. Finally, join your hands in नमस्ते. You can end the routine here with a few deep breaths or you can continue with the video and do the full routine with Dr. Mehta.

While being part of #21StartsABHI don’t forget to also check out our other great resources like our स्वास्थ्य उपकरण और Nutrition section on the Activ Living Blog.

How can you take part in the contest?

  1. Follow us on Instagram @abchealthinsurance
  2. देखें #21StartsABHI habit for the day
  3. Upload pictures or videos of you doing the habit by tagging @abchealthinsurance and using hashtag #21StartsABHI
  4. मुफ्त ऑनलाइन फिटनेस क्लास सब्सक्रिप्शन + अमेज़न वाउचर जीतें

For more such healthy habits checkout our #21StartsABHI section here.