Know the reason for constantly feeling tired- Activ Living

Why Am I Constantly Feeling Tired? A Look at Possible Causes and Solutions

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Modern society seems to be suffering from an epidemic of tiredness. A vast majority of people tend to see a big drop in productivity towards the afternoon and could also have difficulty staying awake. Do you know what could be causing you to feel tired during the day? A few of the causes for feeling tired all the time include:

  • Sedentary lifestyles.
  • व्यायाम की कमी.
  • High-stress levels.
  • अनिद्रा
  • Improper diet and nutrition.
  • Excessive exposure to screens and electronic devices.

Feeling tried constantly-Activ Living

Any or all of these causes could result in you feeling tired all the time or experiencing a drop in energy as the day progresses. These causes could result in your Activ Age or biological age being out of sync with your chronological age. What this means is that chronologically you could be 30 years old, but biologically your body feels much older because it is aging at a faster pace than in should.

How to calculate your Activ Age identify the cause of accelerated aging?

First, identify the cause of your Activ Age not matching your chronological age. You can do this by examining each of the factor in the list above and seeing which one applies to you. There could be more than one reason as well. For example, if you don’t have a daily exercise routine and you suffer from a lack of sleep, these could both contribute to your biological age.

Once you have identified the cause that directly affects your Activ Age, you can make a conscious effort to make the shift to healthy living. Keep in mind that sometimes you are unable to identify the problem through self-assessment with an Activ Age calculator. In that case, please see a doctor who might have to do tests for conditions like anaemia or chronic fatigue syndrome.

How to manage enery levels- Activ Living

What can you do to improve your Activ Age and slow down biological aging?

Focus on the behaviour or behaviours you need to change and make a schedule that you stick to as strictly as possible. If, for example, you are spending too much time scrolling through your phone and not moving around enough during the day, you can schedule in 2-3 hours a day to use your phone. You can set a timer or use an app that alerts you when you have exceeded your quota of screen time, this can also be your cue to get up and take a walk or do some stretches. The most important part of this step is to stick with the activity for at least three months. You can be in control of your biological age and it’s up to you to keep yourself as active as possible.

How to reverse your age- Activ Living

You can find more support and information on changing your lifestyle with healthy foods and healthy habits on the Nutrition, Fitness, and Tests Sections of the Activ Living Blog.