What Is The Best Time To Exercise - Activ Living

एक्सरसाइज़ करने का सबसे अच्छा समय कौन सा होता है?

Most of us face a problem while finding a fixed time to exercise and stick to it. Most of us tend to workout whenever we find time during the day. However, did you know that there is a best time to workout depending on what exercises you are doing?

जानें यह ज़रूरी बातें:

1 Can the time of the day affect your workout?

Studies have shown that the time you workout during the day will affect the results you get from the exercise. We all know daylight affects our sleep patterns and eating habits. However, daylight also has an effect on blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate. Therefore, you can identify which time is best for workouts that you want to do.

2. एक्सरसाइज़ करने का सबसे अच्छा समय कौन सा होता है?

While it might be tough to make time in your schedule to exercise, maybe finding out the best times to workout can help you set aside that time exercise:

  • Benefits of morning workouts:

Benefits of morning workouts - Activ Living

The benefits of exercising in the morning are quite well-known by now. An aerobic morning workout done on an empty stomach draws more energy from the fat reserves in the body. This can boost weight loss and metabolism. If you workout in the morning, it can also help you relieve stress and keep your appetite in control during the day.

  • Benefits of afternoon workouts:

For a mid-day workout, you should remember to do so by keeping a 90 minute gap at least between your lunch or any meal. Between 2 pm and 6 pm, your body temperature is at its peak, which means you can burn atleast 10% more calories than normal. During the late afternoon/evening your reaction time is at its quickest and your heart rate is at its lowest point. This makes it the best time to do exercises like high intensity training, or speed workouts on the treadmill.

  • Benefits of night time workouts:

Benefits of night time workouts - Activ Living

You might enjoy working out at the end of the work day, but night time is the least conducive to exercising. This doesn’t mean you cannot go for a walk after dinner. An intense workout between 7 pm to 10 pm might affect your sleeping patterns. However, there are yoga exercises to try at night which can actually help you sleep better.

3 How should you decide when to workout?

In the end, the important thing is finding time during the day to workout. You can also adjust your exercises, depending on the time of the day. However, you should know that people who find their best time to exercise are more likely to follow it than people who fit in a workout at random times during the day.

After you decide which time is best for your workout, you can find nutrition tips to follow on the Activ Living blog and keep a track of your progress using our health tools.