Benefits of jumping- Activ Living

What Are The Benefits Of Jumping Jacks?

Just over a year ago the COVID-19 pandemic took over our lives. We went into lockdown and our usual routines were disrupted. While all of us had to stay home, our brave healthcare workers fought against the virus. From the doctors and nurses who took care of COVID-19 patients to the researchers who developed the vaccines, we are grateful to all our COVID Warriors for their hard work and service that helped us jump back to life.

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Why We Chose To Jump

Our #JumpForHealth challenge has been running for over three years. It comes from an insight from the American Journal of Health that jumping 10 times twice a day is good for bones. First launched in 2017, the campaign was developed for the dual purpose of improving our members’ health and an important charitable cause. For every 10,000 jumps we received, Aditya Birla Health Insurance donated a prosthetic leg to a person in need. We have donated 1872 prosthetic legs over the years

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that we need to take good care of our own health. When we started #JumpForHealth, we couldn’t think of a more fun way to stay healthy. What’s more is that jumping is something the whole family can do together.

Benefits Of Jumping

Jumping is not just a fun activity but also has several proven health benefits:

1 Improves oxygen capacity and delivery: Our bodies need oxygen to burn calories and provide us with energy. When we jump, we increase our heart rate thereby increasing our blood circulation. The improved circulation not only helps our lungs to absorb more oxygen but also increases the supply of oxygen to every organ of the body.

2 Increases bone density: With age, people, especially women start losing bone mass. Jumping exercises when done in combination with resistance training and stretching has been found to be extremely effective in increasing bone density.

3 Boosts metabolism: Jumping like any other rigorous exercise helps to boost metabolism and burn calories. Doing jumping jacks for weight loss could help you achieve your desired weight while you have fun with your workout.

4 Strengthens the heart: Jumping benefits include exercising and strengthening the heart muscles. Even five minutes of jumping with a rope can increase your heart rate and improve your heart health.

Fun Ways To Jump

Jumping can be fun by itself but could get boring after a little while. Try these variations to make your workout more interesting:

  • Use a skipping rope and remember your childhood days in the playground.
  • Have a jumping jacks competition with your kids and see who can do more in 30 seconds.
  • To intensify your workout, you can jump up onto a step or low stool and jump down again.
  • You could try high knee jumps by jumping on one foot at a time while raising the other leg up to knee level.

If you love to jump then follow these steps to be a part of the #JumpForHealth challenge:

  1. Make a video of yourself jumping alone or with family and friends. Do wear a mask and maintain social distancing.
  2. Upload the video to any of your social media platforms with the hashtags #JumpForHealth and #ABCHealthInsurance and tag abhealthinsurance
  3. Mention the number of jumps and nominate three other friends to participate.

For more details, click here 

When you jump for your health you can help someone else to walk. Be unstoppable!

For more great health resources check out the Nutrition and Fitness sections of the Activ Living Blog.

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