10 Best Foods To Get Healthy Skin During Summers By Gia Kashyap 512 x 512px

10 Best Foods To Keep Your Healthy Skin During Summers By Gia Kashyap

गर्मियों में बढ़ता तापमान आपकी त्वचा पर कठोर प्रभाव डाल सकता है, जिससे रैशेज या टैनिंग हो सकती है. During the summer, your diet also changes to suit your lifestyle. However, you might also need to change your diet to take care of your skin. 

Gia Kashyap is a blogger who writes about healthy lifestyles, self-care tips for skin and hair care. She is here to provide some practical advice on how to take care of your skin during the hot summer months. These foods for healthy skin can protect your skin to ensure a lifestyle of Activ Living in the Summer.

इनके बारे में जानें:

Effects of summer heat on the skin

Summer heat can be hard not just on your body but your skin too. Exposure to the harsh sun rays can lead to problems like

  • Heat rashes
  • Sunburns
  • Acne from sweat and dirt 
  • Skin infections
  • Tanning

10 Foods to keep your skin healthy

Protect your skin from the harmful effects of the summer by including these 10 foods in your diet

1 Avocados

Avocados have a high content of healthy fats that moisturize the skin and keeps it flexible. They are also high in Vitamin E and C, which protect your skin from the sun and environment

Avacado- Activ Living2 Oranges

Oranges have Beta Carotene, the pigment which improves your skin health. Oranges are another rich source of Vitamin C. In fact, the orange peel has more Vitamin C which cleans the skin when used in a face pack.

Oranges- Activ Livning3. टमाटर

Tomatoes are a good source for all the carotenoids, especially lycopene. This prevents wrinkling and protects your skin from harmful sun rays. When used as a pulp, tomatoes also tighten pores and prevent pimples.

Tomatoes- Activ Living4. शकरकंद

Sweet Potatoes are another source of Beta Carotene. This acts as a natural sunblock and protects your skin from cell death, drying and wrinkling.

Sweet Popato- Activ Living

5. डार्क चॉकलेट

Chocolate mixed with little to no sugar is a rich source of antioxidants. This helps in blood flow and brings nutrients to the skin, keeping it hydrated.

Dark Chocolate Activ Living

6 Brocolli

Brocolli contains Sufurophane which has certain anti-cancer properties, including skin cancer. It maintains collagen levels in your skin and protects your skin from harmful UV rays.

Broccoli- Activ Living

7 Carrots

Carrots are a rich source of both beta carotene and Vitamin C. This keeps your skin glowing while reducing acne and dark spots. It also slows aging on the skin and helps in collagen growth.

Carrots Activ Living

8 Soya

Soya contains Isoflavones which reduces the risk of certain skin cancers by blocking UV rays. In middle-aged women, eating soya can reduce wrinkles and improve elasticity.

Soya- Activ Living

9. अखरोट

Walnuts are rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6, which the body doesn’t generate normally. These balance inflammation in the body and on your skin.

Walnuts 01

From getting the right skincare routine, to wearing summer-appropriate clothes, and home remedies for skin problems, Gia is ready to answer your summer skincare questions so drop your questions in the comments. 

Don’t wait to take important steps towards better skin care, #ABHIKaro. You can also visit our फिटनेस और पोषण blogs to get more ideas on improving your overall health.