
Is Walking an Exercise to Reduce Blood Sugar Level?

डायबिटीज is a metabolic disease that causes an increase in glucose level or causes high ब्लड शुगर. But a healthy and active lifestyle can make all the difference in preventing this disease. 


इनके बारे में जानें:

डायबिटीज क्या है?

डायबिटीज is a chronic disease because of which either your body is not able to make enough insulin (that moves sugar from the blood to the cells to be stored or used to release energy), or is unable to use the insulin that it makes. You can now calculate your blood glucose level with our online ब्लड शुगर लेवल कैलकुलेटर.

How does walking help control diabetes?

Prevention is better than cure and since there is no cure for डायबिटीज, it can be controlled at a very early stage. Adopting healthy practices like a balanced आहार and exercising regularly can benefit the body. One of the activities that can help control डायबिटीज is walking.

Walking is one of the most popular exercises to control डायबिटीज. It is a moderate एक्सरसाइज़ that increases the pace of your heart beat and makes you breathe a little harder. 

वॉकिंग एक्सरसाइज़ has various benefits:

  • Walking is an effective form of एक्सरसाइज़ that helps reduce ब्लड शुगर levels. Exercising daily helps the muscles absorb sugar from the blood and prevents it from building up. 
  • Since people with डायबिटीज are at a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, walking regularly can strengthen your muscles and improve cardiovascular fitness.
  • वॉकिंग 10,000 स्टेप्स a day can burn calories and control weight, further reducing health risks.

How to prepare for a walking workout?

Before starting your walking exercise, a few points need to be remembered:

  • Wear loose comfortable clothes and athletic or running shoes.
  • Stretch and warm-up before walking. You can either spot jog or march in one place for a few seconds to loosen your legs and hips.
  • Start walking at an easy pace to get the blood flowing to your मसल्स.
  • Eventually, speed up to ब्रिस्क वॉक to achieve an intensity that can benefit your health. Move your arms faster in coordination with your pace.
  • Finish your walk by slowing down at an easy pace.

Ways to integrate walking in your daily routine    

It can be difficult to integrate physical activity or workouts in your daily routine. This is where walking exercise – one of the simplest metabolic activities – plays an important role. Take a look at simple ways to make walking a part of your everyday life. 

  • Park your car further to get a few steps
  • Get off the bus/train a few stations early and cover rest of the area on foot
  • If you are sitting for long hours working on your laptop, then take a stroll every hour to stretch your legs 
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Walk after every meal
  • Walk while talking over the phone

You can get a Day 1 cover for a chronic disease like डायबिटीज हमारे ऐक्टिव हेल्थ - प्लैटिनम एनहांस्ड प्लान. It covers costs for tests and diagnostics too. Also get access to expert health coaches for coaching on nutrition, fitness and mental health and mental wellness counselling, and homeopathy tele-consultation. #ABHIKaro. आदित्य बिरला हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस करो. पाएं अधिक जानकारी यहांः फिटनेस या पोषण, visit the Activ Living Blog.