What is Black Fungus 512_512

ब्लैक, वाइट और येलो फंगस क्या है? इसे कैसे रोका जा सकता है - उषा अय्यागरी

Along with all the devastating news about कोविड-19, we are now also hearing about secondary infections caused by black, white, or yellow fungus. While the news might cause some alarm, it is best not to panic and to understand the facts of these infections so the right precautions can be taken.

इनके बारे में जानें:

Causes of Fungal Infections in COVID-19 Patients

First, it is important to remember that not all COVID-19 patients are at a high risk of contracting fungal infection. There are however some factors that could increase a patient’s risk of secondary infections. Two of the main causes leading to fungal infections are prolonged use of steroids in the treatment of COVID-19 and unchecked high blood sugar levels. Both these situations compromise the immune system making a patient more susceptible to फंगल इन्फेक्शन. Prolonged use of steroids can also lead to increased blood sugar levels, so diabetics suffering from COVID-19 need to be extra careful when taking the treatment and inform their doctor right at the start.

क्या है Black Fungus?

What is Black Fungus 1

Black fungus is also called Mucormycosis. The spores can be found in soil, plants, decaying fruit matter, and several other places. Almost everyone in humid climates is exposed to black fungal spores at some point or the other, however, only those with a weakened immune system contract an infection. 


  • Nasal congestion and discharge
  • Headaches
  • Painful sinuses
  • नाक से खून आना 
  • Swelling on the face
  • Discoloration of the facial skin

Additional symptoms when the lungs are infected include:

  • Chest pains
  • बुखार 
  • खांसी में खून आना

The fungus can also infect the gastrointestinal tract in some cases.

क्या है White Fungus?

White fungus या Aspergillosis spreads in a way similar to black fungus but can affect different parts of the body. Cases have been reported where white fungus infection has affected the lungs, kidneys, mouth, skin and brain. 


  • Whitening of tongue and white patches in the mouth
  • खांसी
  • बुखार
  • दस्त 
  • Dark patches on the lungs
  • Skin lesions
  • Reduced oxygen levels

क्या है Yellow Fungus?

What is Yellow Fungus

Yellow fungus या Mucor Speticus appears to be the most dangerous of the three types of infections. The spores are spread in the same way but a yellow fungus infection develops internally before external symptoms are noticed. This could lead to a delay in diagnosis and treatment. 


  • वज़न अत्यधिक घटना
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • धंसी हुई आंखें

More serious symptoms include:

  • Leaking of pus internally
  • Internal bleeding
  • Rupture of cells

Yellow fungus can be fatal if not treated at the earliest. 

रोकथाम और उपचार

Aa stated earlier, all three फंगल इन्फेक्शन tend to affect patients who are immunocompromised. This is why it is important for patients being treated and recovering from COVID-19 to take extreme care and ensure that their surroundings are kept clean. All water used for washing, bathing or drinking should preferably be boiled for 10 minutes to kill off any pathogens before use. 

Prevention and Treatment

Patients should be given freshly cooked food and any food that has been left at room temperature for more that an hour should be avoided. डायबिटीज के मरीज and patients with other comorbidities should make sure that they are maintaining normal blood sugar levels. If you are on steroid treatment, monitor your blood sugar regularly and talk to your doctor about how you can अपनी इम्यूनिटी को बढ़ाएं. Also, make sure to wash/change your मास्क regularly and make sure that it is dry before you use it. 

If you do notice any fungal infection symptoms, it is important that you get to a hospital at the earliest. Please do not try to treat the infection at home!

For mor information on कोविड-19, diabetes and other conditions, visit the लाइफस्टाइल section of the Activ Living Blog. You can also get tips on फिटनेस और पोषण on the blog.