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How To Overcome Depression And Anxiety Creatively?

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मानसिक स्वास्थ्य disorders are a reality. डिप्रेशन और चिंता are among the many disorders that are widely prevalent today. Especially at a time when we are homebound due to the pandemic, it is the need of the hour to give your मानसिक स्वास्थ्य as much importance as your physical health. 

इनके बारे में जानें:

What is depression and anxiety?

The words depression and चिंता are often used interchangeably. However, there is a fine line of difference between the two. डिप्रेशन is characterised by a persistent feeling of sadness, low mood and loss of interest in activities, while anxiety is a constant fear and distress before a big event or before making an important decision.  

What is depression and anxiety

Both these mental disorders can be concerning if they last for weeks or months at length. Instead of letting these feelings control and overwhelm you, it is essential to find a creative outlet to channelise depression and anxiety. Find something enjoyable that will keep you productive and take your mind off negativity. Take a look at five creative outlets to cope with these disorders:

Art Therapy 

Art is a simple, relaxing and inspiring activity that can aid you in processing your feelings and emotions. Drawing, painting, doodling or mandala art is considered to be a therapeutic use of art for the purpose of relieving anxiety and स्ट्रेस. Creating art is a great emotional release to help you discover yourself, acknowledge and recognise the feelings in your subconscious. 

Art Therapy 


While facing bouts of डिप्रेशन और चिंता, an individual often finds a way to vent out. You can always see a counsellor and seek help, but one of the most efficient ways to cope with such disorders is to journal regularly. Penning down your thoughts and feelings makes you aware of them.


Dance Therapy

Dance or movement therapy is a non-verbal approach to unleash creativity and spontaneity. The human mind and body are in constant reciprocal interaction. This physical and cognitive engagement not only facilitates balance or coordination, but also improves memory, attention span, and elicits a feeling of happiness by changing our mental state.


Reading or writing poetry can be grounding, validating and makes you feel okay, even if it is for a small period of time. Words can stir emotions and can create a sense of hopefulness. 



While taking photos, you are transfixed and are a part of something bigger than yourself. This process of observing and capturing nature can draw you into a peaceful state of सचेतन. Photography can be a place to reflect your own thoughts, and a way to manifest the world you want to see. 


Everyone deals with these conditions differently. So, it depends on you to find something which you enjoy or to try something new. If these creative measures do not help, then consult a मानसिक स्वास्थ्य specialist or a counsellor. Get access to expert health coaches for nutrition and मानसिक स्वास्थ्य counselling on Activ Health – Platinum-Enhanced Plan. #ABHIKaro. आदित्य बिरला हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस करो. पाएं अधिक जानकारी यहांः सचेतन और पोषण, visit the Activ Living Blog.