Work From Home Stress

How To Handle Work From Home Stress? Find Out With Dr. Siddharth Warrier

आपका स्वागत है ऐक्टिव लिविंग पॉडकास्ट. This is a health and wellness podcast which focuses on our day-to-day health and wellness. In today’s episode, we focus on work from home or remote work policies that will be a reality for our foreseeable future and how you can cope with it.

According to a TimesJobs survey, 42% of organisations will continue with work from home policy while 40% wanted to follow a hybrid structure of work from home and office on alternate days.

Our special guest on the podcast is Dr. Siddharth Warrier, a neurologist and TEDx speaker. In the past year, वर्क फ्रॉम होम became a norm during the Covid-19 pandemic. It also required us to adjust our personal spaces and habits to this new normal. Dr. Siddharth Warrier explains how developing a new rhythm can help you cope with this change in lifestyle.

He kicks off the conversation by talking about how it was a problem for him to conduct consultations online. As humans we depend on people for our own improvement. He mentions that the sooner we find ways to ensure human interaction even while working remotely, the better we will be able to cope with change.  

Another important factor is the irregularity of sleep or disruption of your sleep cycle. Everyone needs a minimum of 6 hours of sleep but following a routine is more important. Sleeping at the same time for the same number of hours establishes a routine and helps your brain adjust to a routine.

Stress can be relieved with meditation, exercise, trying a new hobby. These activities can keep your mind away from the anxiety associated with the pandemic or work pressure. He signs off explaining that creating a new routine is the best way to cope with वर्क फ्रॉम होम stress and explains his own routine too.

Stay tuned for more health updates with our Activ Living Podcast. You can also find regular and useful advice on फिटनेस, पोषण और सचेतन on our blog.